• Periscope: A gem for exposing your scopes to the world

    Updated: 2012-06-30 14:07:47
    Periscope makes it easy to chain your scopes from the query parameters on your index actions. Includes support for ActiveRecord, MongoMapper, Mongoid and DataMapper.

  • Introducing Amfetamine

    Updated: 2012-06-30 12:42:34
    REST api abstraction on steroids that makes shit go boom.

  • CSRF - Cross-site Request Forgery

    Updated: 2012-06-30 06:34:50
    All your admin did was click on a link and now the site is down, or compromised, or worse.  How did this happen?  Someone used a cross-site request forgery attack on your admin, they tricked them into clicking on a link that performed an admin action on your site.  How can you stop this?  How does it work?  Though Rails has indeed largely mitigated this attack, you really still need to know about Cross-site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities.

  • XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) Vulnerabilities in Ruby on Rails

    Updated: 2012-06-30 06:27:28
    A web developer's worst nightmare, your site has been compromised.  It's been hacked, taken down, defaced, data stolen, users alienated and furious, and it's all your fault.  You didn't secure the site.  But don't worry, Rails has your back.  One of the most common vulnerability classes is the Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability, but Ruby on Rails has largely mitigated these attacks.  You should still know about them though.

  • Getting Started with Rails Views

    Updated: 2012-06-30 05:37:52
    The dreaded PHP tags.  I've said in my articles before they're a "bad thing," but really, that's not the PHP tag's fault.  They're bad because people mix too much application and view code.  As you'll see, Ruby on Rails has a similar concept to the PHP tag, the ERB tags, but they've set it up so it's actually difficult to abuse.

  • More from Ruby Under a Microscope

    Updated: 2012-06-29 17:09:18
    RubyFlow The Ruby Community Blog Home Submit Sign Up Log In leaders More from Ruby Under a Microscope Posted by patshaughnessy on June 29, 2012 0 comments This is an eBook I’m writing this Summer about Ruby internals no C programming required Last week I posted an excerpt from Chapter 1 about how Ruby parses your code , and today I posted an excerpt from Chapter 2 about how YARV executes Ruby control structures enjoy Feedback welcome . Comments Post a Comment Comment abilities for non registered users are currently deactivated , pending time to add a proper CAPTCHA to solve the escalating spam problem . Sorry 7547 items , 2425 users , 5047 . comments Top Ruby and Rails Jobs Senior Software Engineer Ruby on Rails ITT Exelis Virginia Ruby Developer MeLLmo , . Inc Solana Beach , California

  • extend self in ruby

    Updated: 2012-06-29 15:10:26
    This blog discusses extend self in ruby with some practical examples.

  • A Bash Prompt for Ruby, Ruby on Rails and Git

    Updated: 2012-06-29 07:05:41
    Quick, what version of Ruby are you using?  What gemset are you on?  What version of Rails?  Which Git branch are you on?  These are things you often need to know when working on a Ruby or Ruby on Rails project.  And yes, they're just one command away, but why not have them right on your prompt?  With this Bash prompt, they'll be staring your right in the face, and even color coded.  It'll be harder than ever to get lost.

  • Slide Show (S9) Update - Quick Starter Templates, Takahashi Slide Break Shortcuts

    Updated: 2012-06-28 11:40:55
    , RubyFlow The Ruby Community Blog Home Submit Sign Up Log In leaders Slide Show S9 Update Quick Starter Templates , Takahashi Slide Break Shortcuts Posted by geraldbauer on June 28, 2012 0 comments What's Slide Show A gem that lets you author slides in plain text using a wiki-style markup language that's easy-to-write and easy-to-read . What's new 1 Added q quick MANIFEST command that lets you use quick starter templates such as impress.js deck.js Slidy or S5 2 Added a takahashi option that lets you use between words or on its own line to break up slides . Cheers . Comments Post a Comment Comment abilities for non registered users are currently deactivated , pending time to add a proper CAPTCHA to solve the escalating spam problem . Sorry 7547 items , 2425 users , 5047 . comments Top Ruby

  • StackOverflow authentication using OmniAuth

    Updated: 2012-06-27 22:05:40
    I just released omniauth-stackexchange gem.

  • Table inheritance in PostgreSQL

    Updated: 2012-06-27 12:53:56
    Rails STI will be just fine for most cases. Anyway, for large databases, or when attributes vary a lot between models, using table inheritance could be very helpful. Using it with rails is really easy, learn how here.

  • to_str method in ruby

    Updated: 2012-06-27 03:41:16
    A blog on to_str method in ruby .

  • Using Git With Ruby on Rails Part 2: Branches

    Updated: 2012-06-26 21:53:24
    Even if you only use the very basic Git commands to make changes, stage files and commit changes, you can use Git effectively.  However, there's one feature that makes things so much easier: branches...Read Full Post

  • Using Git with Ruby on Rails

    Updated: 2012-06-26 21:50:43
    I've worked on so many personal projects and never used version control.  Version control was just this thing you do when working on a team.  But as projects grow, or as they get spread out over so many files, it's so helpful to use version control that it can't be ignored.  When I first learned Rails, everyone was using Subversion.  But since Git is so much easier to use (and just so much cooler), you should be using Git with Ruby on Rails, even for small personal projects!

  • Rails 4.0 Sneak Peek: Asynchronous ActionMailer

    Updated: 2012-06-26 18:02:24
    ActionMailer can now take advantage of the new queueing system in Rails 4.0

  • Databases & Rails: Week 3 Build HTML with Pure Ruby (no Rails)

    Updated: 2012-06-26 16:36:11
    Week 3 in my class series at the University of Texas, we're building views with nothing but Ruby and the standard library. If you're just getting started or you've been using Rails for years, come learn how Rails works some of it's view Ruby magic. We cover building html, layouts, and serving dynamic content with a server (web brick).

  • Generating Your First Controller

    Updated: 2012-06-19 21:12:49
    The first time you <a href="http://clk.about.com/?zi=1/1hc&zu=/od/rails3tutorial/ss/A-New-Rails-Project.htm"generate a Rails project, you're bound to be lost.  It creates a large hierarchy of files, and you just don't know where anything goes or what to do.  Not to fear, take it one step at a time.  One of the first things you'll want to do is to generate a new controller.  From there, you can start adding actions, developing your model, etc.

  • Rails Installer for OS X

    Updated: 2012-06-12 22:22:54
    Are you about to install Ruby on Rails on OS X?  Stop and take a look at this Rails installer from Engine Yard first.  They've finished porting the Rails Installer from Windows to OS X, and it's about to make your life much easier.

  • RailsInstaller for OS X Released

    Updated: 2012-06-05 20:31:29
    Just last week I decided that it could not wait, I had written an article on installing Ruby on Rails on OS X.  While not very difficult, there are a few steps involved, and it's not something that's completely obvious how to do for the newcomer.  No sooner than I had written this article, the awesome guys at EngineYard released RailsInstaller for OS X.  I have yet to test it, but assuming it all works according to plan, it should be the simplest and only recommended way to install Rails for both the professional and newbie.

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