• TConsole 1.1

    Updated: 2012-02-29 20:06:21
    RubyFlow The Ruby Community Blog Home Submit Sign Up Log In leaders TConsole 1.1 Posted by commondream on February 29, 2012 0 comments TConsole 1.1 is out TConsole is a dedicated environment for running your MiniTest suites , both for Rails test suites and for any other project you're working on that happens to test with MiniTest . It supports Rails environment preloading if you're into that kind of thing , and also offers a nice concise syntax for running specific test classes and methods . Check out this quick screencast for a demo , or just check out the project page on GitHub Comments Post a Comment Note : If you are a registered user , you can log in to populate these . fields Name Byline required You may use ONLY these HTML tags to format your : comment Do NOT use e x t e n P willy d

  • Work-Stealing & Recursive Partitioning with Fork/Join

    Updated: 2012-02-29 18:01:49
    JDK7's Fork/Join combines a double ended queue (deque) and a recursive job partitioning step to minimize synchronization - a great design pattern to keep in mind for single host and distributed cases! A look under the hood of the Fork/Join framework, and a few JRuby examples which will light up all of your available cores.

  • Learning from Rails' failures

    Updated: 2012-02-29 15:51:35
    I compiled a list of things Rails didn't/doesn't do right in the hope that we can learn from our mistakes.

  • Two Factor Authentication Example Rails App

    Updated: 2012-02-29 15:40:58
    I just pushed code to https://github.com/robertwahler/two_factor_authentication_example. A bare bones example Rails 3.2 application and test suite demonstrating the use of the Authlogic gem and custom two-factor authentication (TFA) with Google authenticator support. Feedback on the implementation will be appreciated.

  • Making Abbreviations

    Updated: 2012-02-29 05:32:00
    Many command line and interactive tools feature abbreviations.  For example, typing just rails s instead of rails server.  Well Ruby has an abbreviations library as part of its standard library that, given a set of strings, will produce a set of unique abbreviations for each of the input strings.  You can easily implement such features with just a few extra lines of code....Read Full Post

  • Did you know Ruby 1.9 supports the goto statement?

    Updated: 2012-02-29 00:16:14
    It turns out The Joke Is On Us: How Ruby 1.9 Supports the Goto Statement. <img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/Rubyflow/~4/VSZnaZBz8jA" height="1" width="1"/

  • Jump to method definitions in gems with ctags

    Updated: 2012-02-28 23:57:12
    Vim and Emacs users can easily jump to any method definition in a project using ctags. You can also configure ctags to let you jump to any method in your bundled gems; this quick post shows you how... Using ctags with bundled gems in Vim

  • Wizard-ify Your Rails Controllers with Wicked

    Updated: 2012-02-28 16:32:03
    Use Wicked to turn any Rails controller into a step-by-step wizard. To get started read the post or watch the screencast.

  • Too LESS? Should You Be Using Sass?

    Updated: 2012-02-28 16:26:35
    As the author of less-rails and less-rails-bootstrap, I would love to explain why you should not be using LESS and Sass instead.

  • Global Hack Day #2, Thursday 3/8

    Updated: 2012-02-28 14:33:26
    The idea of having weekly or monthly hack nights has worked great for Ruby users groups all over the world, but the folks at Mendicant University feel like the internet deserves a similiar kind of event. Our next gathering is on Thursday 3/8 from 19:00 - 03:00 UTC. Please join us if you can! You can bring your own project to share and work on, or you can help others by offering code reviews and patches to their projects.

  • Garbage Collection

    Updated: 2012-02-28 05:00:28
    Where does memory come from in Ruby?  Where does it go when you're finished with it?  The Ruby garbage collector is an often misunderstood or completely unknown subject.  However, understanding it and in some cases manipulating it is a useful skill.

  • Go-powered web-services with Rails

    Updated: 2012-02-28 01:36:13
    Hey folks, my new blog post about Go-powered web-services with Rails is out. Enjoy!

  • Deploying Applications with Bundler

    Updated: 2012-02-27 04:19:12
    Bundler works hard to make your life easy.  Say, for example, you have 10 identical computers to install an application to.  Bundler allows you to install all your gems to a vendor directory so they're all ready to go.  You won't have to run bundle install on each individual computer (which, even if automated, can take quite some time).  This also allows you to easily deploy to computers that have no or limited access to the Internet....Read Full Post

  • Getting Started with Bundler

    Updated: 2012-02-24 05:40:29
    One of the really great things about Bundler is how braindead simple it is.  Just define a list of the gems you project depends on, in some cases define a minimum version number and run bundle install.  That's just about it, you'll be done in just a few minutes....Read Full Post

  • What is Bundler?

    Updated: 2012-02-22 03:39:22
    Bundler is a program that managed gem dependencies for your Ruby projects.  In a nutshell, you give it a list of the gems your program needs and Bundler installs them.  But there's a bit more to it than that, Bundler also manages the versions of gems installed, so everyone who runs Bundler will be working from the same version of the same gems....Read Full Post

  • Iterating Over Strings

    Updated: 2012-02-16 04:47:23
    How do you iterate over a string?  Easy, just iterate over each byte, right?  It's not quite that easy, Unicode complicates this.  Ruby's default encoding is UTF-8, which means most, but not all, characters will be 8 bits wide.  But don't worry, Ruby makes it simple....Read Full Post

  • Ruby Programming 31st Batch: Registrations now open

    Updated: 2012-02-10 09:01:57
    Registrations are now open for RubyLearning’s popular Ruby programming course. This is an intensive, online course for beginners that helps you get started with Ruby programming. Here is what Sandra Randall (Butler), a participant who just graduated, has to say – “You kindly offered me the opportunity to join your Ruby course. I’m new to [...] (Powered by LaunchBit)

  • Method Visibility

    Updated: 2012-02-10 04:39:38
    Method visibility is crucial to object oriented programming.  In order to maintain encapsulation, you must be able to prevent a user from calling methods that update the internal state of the object without sufficient checks.  Ruby provides support for this via public, private and protected methods.  However, since Ruby is a very open language these are merely suggestions, a determined user can call any method if they really want to.

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