• New technique controls graphite to graphene transition

    Updated: 2012-06-30 19:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Automakers Lead 2012 Ranking of Global Green Business Brands

    Updated: 2012-06-30 19:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • New CleanTechnica Feature: Quick Cleantech News

    Updated: 2012-06-30 19:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • A Clearer View of Big Technology Impact

    Updated: 2012-06-30 17:42:37
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home June 30, 2012 A Clearer View of Big Technology Impact Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet The first half of 2012 has solidification of what will be big impacts on day to day life for many people in the world over the period of 2013 to 2020. I have made and track a list of technologies in what I call the Mundane Singularity . At the end of 2011, I had indicated what I thought the impact would be up to the end of 2016. I also projected a general outline out for 30 . years Robotics will be a lot more capable and more common There appears to be an increasing wave of major investment in robotics . Apple , Foxconn , Canon and other companies are investing many billions for the next generation of industrial . robotics The near

  • Sky City is not overcrowded according to Broad Groups Design Documents

    Updated: 2012-06-30 15:56:44
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home June 29, 2012 Sky City is not overcrowded according to Broad Groups Design Documents Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet A one page marketing document for the Sky City skyscraper has occupancy of 17,400 and not 174,000 There were previous reports that the occupancy would be 174,000 for the new 220 floor design . It is now clear that the 838 meter tall design is about half as thick as the old 666 meter design . The base is likely about 100 meters wide and deep instead 141 . meters The building , with 220 floors 838 meters and a construction area of 1 million square meters , is equipped with approximately 200,000 tons of steel and 104 . elevators Sky City will work in close collaboration with architects and engineers of the

  • Solar Energy Estimate Report (For Consumers & Solar Providers)

    Updated: 2012-06-30 15:00:06
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Mexico Going in Big on Solar Energy

    Updated: 2012-06-30 15:00:06
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Energy Storage – Q2 2012 Review and Analysis

    Updated: 2012-06-30 14:00:04
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Clean Energy Videos

    Updated: 2012-06-30 11:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • China Sky Cities Trying for Clean and Safe Versions of Judge Dredd's Stratoscapers and Megacities

    Updated: 2012-06-30 07:27:04
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home June 29, 2012 China Sky Cities Trying for Clean and Safe Versions of Judge Dredd's Stratoscapers and Megacities Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet China will be trying to make 200-700 story Sky City factory mass produced skyscrapers . These buildings will use less material steel and concrete be lower cost per square foot and will have other environmental and economic . benefits From the Judge Dredd Comics there are the Stratoscrapers in Mega City . One They are described as often housing over 60,000 citizens and often reaching over 700 stories . There is a video trailer for the new Dredd movie 2012 with Karl Urban The trailer for Dredd talks about 200 story buildings Another screenshot from Dredd of Megacity One with

  • Solar-Powered Charger for the Apple iPhone

    Updated: 2012-06-30 06:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • New fuel cell keeps going after the hydrogen runs out

    Updated: 2012-06-30 00:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Cotton T-shirt fabric can store electricity, maybe keep your cell phone charged

    Updated: 2012-06-30 00:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Ferrari F70 Hybrid in the Works (Pics)

    Updated: 2012-06-29 22:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Cleantech City of the Future in New Mexico

    Updated: 2012-06-29 22:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Solar Panels Plus Honda Equals All The Win

    Updated: 2012-06-29 22:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Solar News: Southern Company and Ted Turner Acquire Second Solar Photovoltaic Power Project

    Updated: 2012-06-29 21:00:01
    : join login services submit news Membership Stock Alerts Featured Stocks Newsletter Equity Research News Video Green Investor Stock Directories Funding Solar News : Southern Company and Ted Turner Acquire Second Solar Photovoltaic Power Project Category : Investment , Renewable Energy Subscribe to Investor Ideas Green Newswire

  • AGL and First Solar to Deliver 159 MW in NSW Solar Projects

    Updated: 2012-06-29 21:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • SolarCity and Bancop Providing $250 Million Worth of Solar Installations

    Updated: 2012-06-29 21:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • How Energy Savings Performance Contracts Help Save Energy

    Updated: 2012-06-29 21:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Eggasus Takes the Personal Electric Vehicle to a New Aesthetic Level

    Updated: 2012-06-29 21:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News <img src="http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/XAx9YhT2p7Wyg2lJq2sLIskSVP0/1/di" border="0" ismap="true"

  • Abound Solar: Another Solar Casualty

    Updated: 2012-06-29 19:20:00
    : Published by MIT English en Español auf Deutsch in Italiano 中文 em Português Subscribe Login Home Computing Web Communications Energy Biomedicine Business Views Video Events Magazine Search View Energy Abound Solar : Another Solar Casualty The thin-film photovoltaic maker has announced it is going out of business . 3 comments David Rotman Friday , June 29, 2012 In a decision that will surprise few energy observers , Abound Solar , a Loveland , Colorado-based maker of thin-film cadmium telluride solar modules has announced it will file for bankruptcy protection and suspend its operation It’s the latest failure of an energy company that had received funding under the Department of Energy’s loan program Although Abound had received a 400 million DOE loan guarantee for building solar-panel

  • Apple appears to be investing $5 billion in robots for Foxconn Factories

    Updated: 2012-06-29 18:01:23
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home June 29, 2012 Apple appears to be investing 5 billion in robots for Foxconn Factories Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet Seeking Alpha Apple is about to become one of the world's biggest buyers of industrial . robots The company has announced a 78 increase in its non-retail capital expenditure to 7.1bn . Analysts in Asia and America believe that the size of Apple's robot purchases could tie up the market for several years . The increase is actually 5 billion . 78 of 7.1 billion Frank Tobe of the Robot Report and Everything Robotic provided this . commentary Apple and Foxconn have yet to confirm Seeking Alphaª's report which said Apple plans to invest up to 7 billion in robots and place them in Foxconn . factories As I see it

  • High Resolution Radar can track Individual Raindrops from over 1 mile away

    Updated: 2012-06-29 17:51:04
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home June 29, 2012 High Resolution Radar can track Individual Raindrops from over 1 mile away Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet US Naval Research Laboratory NRL scientists are leading a multi-agency study which reveals that a very high-resolution Doppler radar has the unique capacity to detect individual cloud hydrometeors in the free atmosphere . This study will improve scientists' understanding of the dynamics and structure of cloud . systems This Doppler radar was previously used to track small debris shed from the NASA space shuttle missions during launch . Similar to the traces left behind on film by sub-atomic particles , researchers observed larger cloud particles leaving well-defined , nearly linear , radar reflectivity

  • World’s First True Green Semiconductor Laser Diode with output power of over 100mW

    Updated: 2012-06-29 17:27:57
    World’s First True Green Semiconductor Laser Diode with output power of over 100mW

  • Fixing Leaks, Diluted Pacific Ethanol, and "Another Solyndra": The Week In Cleantech: 6-29-2012

    Updated: 2012-06-29 17:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • What Cleantech Companies Learned from All Those Graduation Speeches

    Updated: 2012-06-29 17:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Televisions Are Getting Bigger and More Energy Efficient

    Updated: 2012-06-29 16:00:03
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Renewable Energy Group Leaders Winners of Entrepreneur Of The Year 2012 Central Midwest Award

    Updated: 2012-06-29 16:00:03
    Filed under: Energy News</a

  • KiOR IPO: One Year Later

    Updated: 2012-06-29 15:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Ultrafast nickel-iron battery with a Graphene Boost

    Updated: 2012-06-29 08:05:49
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home June 29, 2012 Ultrafast nickel-iron battery with a Graphene Boost Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet The Stanford team has created an ultrafast nickel-iron battery that can be fully charged in about 2 minutes and discharged in less than 30 . seconds The team managed to increase the charging and discharging rate by nearly 1,000 times . Edison created the nickel-iron battery as an inexpensive alternative to corrosive lead-acid batteries . Its basic design consists of two electrodes a cathode made of nickel and an anode made of iron bathed in an alkaline . solution To improve the Edison battery's performance , the Stanford team used graphene nanosized sheets of carbon that are only 1-atom thick and multi-walled carbon nanotubes

  • New sea and air delivery systems to enable direct support to disaster zones from offshore container ships

    Updated: 2012-06-29 07:57:11
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home June 28, 2012 New sea and air delivery systems to enable direct support to disaster zones from offshore container ships Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet DARPA’s Tactically Expandable Maritime Platform TEMP program has completed the design of innovative technologies to transform commercial container ships into self-contained floating supply bases during disaster relief operations , without needing port infrastructure . The program envisions a container ship anchoring offshore of a disaster area , and the ship’s crew delivering supplies ashore using DARPA-developed , modular on-board cranes and air- and sea-delivery . vehicles DARPA recently completed the first phase of the program , which developed four key modular systems

  • Two & a Half Nations Start Thorium Nuclear Power Research

    Updated: 2012-06-29 07:42:14
    Mark Halper writing for SmartPlanet reports the U.S. Department of Energy is quietly collaborating with China on an alternative nuclear power design known as the molten salt reactor that should run on thorium for fuel. According to a March presentation at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) on thorium molten salt reactors, Peter Lyons DOE’s [...]

  • First 3D Nanoscale Optical Cavities from Metamaterials

    Updated: 2012-06-28 19:41:22
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home June 28, 2012 First 3D Nanoscale Optical Cavities from Metamaterials Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet 3D Nanoscale optical cavities from Berkeley Lab should enable better Nanolasers , LEDs , Optical Sensors and Photonic . Communications The world’s smallest three-dimensional optical cavities with the potential to generate the world’s most intense nanolaser beams have been created by a scientific team led by researchers with the U.S . Department of Energy DOE s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Berkeley Lab and the University of California UC Berkeley . In addition to nanolasers , these unique optical cavities with their extraordinary electromagnetic properties should be applicable to a broad range of other technologies

  • Space-time crystals of trapped ions

    Updated: 2012-06-28 08:45:13
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home June 28, 2012 Space-time crystals of trapped ions Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet Arxiv Space-time crystals of trapped ions 6 pages One of the basic properties of spatial crystals is that they form when a system drops to its lowest possible energy state . They are not the result of adding energy to a system , but of taking it away . All of . it Another basic property is that when these objects reach their lowest energy configuration , their symmetry breaks down . Instead of being the same in all directions , like the laws of physics , these objects become the same in only a few directions . It is this symmetry-breaking and the periodic structure it produces that defines . crystals Wilczek and Shapere persuasively argued

  • Spray on Paintable Batteries and Spray on Solar Power for Windows

    Updated: 2012-06-28 08:06:07
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home June 28, 2012 Spray on Paintable Batteries and Spray on Solar Power for Windows Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet 1. Researchers at Rice University have developed a lithium-ion battery that can be painted on virtually any . surface The rechargeable battery created in the lab of Rice materials scientist Pulickel Ajayan consists of spray-painted layers , each representing the components in a traditional battery . The research appears today in Nature’s online , open-access journal Scientific Reports Technique could turn any surface into a lithium-ion battery may be combined with solar . cells Scientific Reports Paintable Batteries Paintable Battery concept a Simplified view of a conventional Li-ion battery , a multilayer

  • Fusion That Works Better Than Expected

    Updated: 2012-06-28 07:06:02
    Since the 1940s science has been mesmerized by the potential of nuclear fusion to gain energy.  Ideas have came and went, some will not go away, and a small number of innovative thinkers have ideas that are gaining credibility with real results.  The world community has tossed tens of billions of dollar-valued wealth into the [...]

  • "Spray-On" Photovoltaic Windows

    Updated: 2012-06-28 05:15:00
    And a manufacturing breakthrough. New Energy Technologies, a solar energy startup here in the US, has developed a technique to manufacture “spray-on” photovoltaic windows. The technique should ramp up production speed and bring down costs.

  • China and the USA partner for molten salt thorium reactor project and India plans a Thorium Reactor

    Updated: 2012-06-28 01:12:19
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home June 27, 2012 China and the USA partner for molten salt thorium reactor project and India plans a Thorium Reactor Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet 1. The U.S . Department of Energy is quietly collaborating with China on an alternative nuclear power design known as a molten salt reactor that could run on thorium . fuel China plans to have a 5 megawatt molten salt reactor in 2015. DOE’s assistant secretary for nuclear energy Peter Lyons is co-chairing the partnership’s executive committee , along with Jiang Mianheng from the Chinese Academy of Sciences CAS according to a March presentation by CAS on thorium molten salt reactors . Beijing-based CAS is a state group overseeing about 100 research institutes . It and the DOE

  • Lawrenceville Plasma Physics makes progress on science and soon should have big experimental improvements

    Updated: 2012-06-27 23:10:37
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home June 27, 2012 Lawrenceville Plasma Physics makes progress on science and soon should have big experimental improvements Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet Here is a 6 page progress report on the Dense Plasma Focus fusion work at Lawrenceville Plasma Physics LPP Every doubling of current means 30 times power . So some relatively simple modifications which are being developed should boost power levels by 300 . times Total elimination of arcing , which they are working on now , may drop the resistance to as low as 2 mOhms . Full power , shorter electrodes , and our existing switches , FF-1 will produce over 2.3 MA , over twice our current output . New , faster switches now under design for LPP by Raytheon will get us the rest

  • Wages for Executives, Managers and Professionals in China are Near US levels

    Updated: 2012-06-27 22:34:49
    , skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home June 27, 2012 Wages for Executives , Managers and Professionals in China are Near US levels Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet Forbes Based on 2011 salaries , some Chinese workers are earning as much as their American . counterparts Position Annual Salary US$ Engineering supervisor 25,000 42,000 General manager 130,000 330,000 R and D director 100,000 167,000 Procurement director 67,000 150,000 Quality director 67,000 150,000 Chief technology officer 167,000 330,000 Marketing director 100,000 130,000 PR communications manager 34,000 67,000 Regional sales manager 67,000 100,000 Source : Hays 2012 Salary Guide Asia Of course , most Chinese do not have professional jobs , and minimum wage and social safety net comparisons to

  • High Speed Robotic Vision Enables a Robotic Hand to Always beat Humans at Rock, Paper Scissors

    Updated: 2012-06-27 21:45:45
    , skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home June 27, 2012 High Speed Robotic Vision Enables a Robotic Hand to Always beat Humans at Rock , Paper Scissors Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet IEEE Spectrum A robot from the Ishikawa Oku Lab at the University of Toyko is unbeatable at rock , paper . scissors It's one of those high speed hands that works with a high speed vision system . And when we say high speed , we mean fast enough that you can't really tell that the robot is . cheating It only takes a single millisecond for the robot to recognize what shape your hand is in , and just a few more for it to make the shape that beats . you Ishikawa Oku Lab website If you liked this article , please give it a quick review on ycombinator or StumbleUpon Thanks Posted by

  • Natural Gas Tapped as Bridge to Biofuels

    Updated: 2012-06-27 20:10:00
    Published by MIT English en Español auf Deutsch in Italiano 中文 em Português Subscribe Login Home Computing Web Communications Energy Biomedicine Business Views Video Events Magazine Search View Energy Natural Gas Tapped as Bridge to Biofuels Primus Green Energy wants to make gasoline and jet fuel from biomass , but its demo plant will use cheap natural gas as a stepping . stone 3 comments Martin LaMonica Wednesday , June 27, 2012 Primus Green Energy is a biofuels company but its first demo plant , now under construction , will use cheap natural gas as a feedstock . Credit : Primus Green Energy . nbsp Historically low prices of natural gas have , in general , made life tougher for renewable energy companies , but startup Primus Green Energy has turned cheap natural gas into an . ally The

  • Google Nexus 7 and Nexus Q announced at Google IO

    Updated: 2012-06-27 19:20:48
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home June 27, 2012 Google Nexus 7 and Nexus Q announced at Google IO Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet The Google IO conference has had the announcement of the 199 Google Nexus 7 tablet and the Nexus Q for 299. They are also showing off the google glasses . Google's Nexus Q is a streaming media player . Nexus 7 is a 7 inch . tablet Android 4.1, Jelly Bean was announced as . well Android has crossed 400 million . activations 20 billion apps have been downloaded from Google . Play Nexus 7 The 7-inch tablet will come pre-loaded with Android 4.1 Jelly Bean , Google's latest operating system . Available in black or white , an 8GB version will be priced at 199, with 16GB for 249. A quad-core Tegra 3 processor , 1280 x 800 IPS display

  • VoiceTra4U-M will translate 31 languages and is Ready for the London Olympics

    Updated: 2012-06-27 19:05:53
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home June 27, 2012 VoiceTra4U-M will translate 31 languages and is Ready for the London Olympics Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet U-Star is a spinoff from the Singapore government A Star research . institute U-Star has a translation application . The Universal Speech Translation Advanced Research Consortium is an international research consortium conducting research and development on a network-based speech-to-speech translation S2ST system , with the aim of breaking the language barriers of the world . U-STAR are implemented with ITU-T standardization protocols , F.745 and H.625. This application is the multi-device application VoiceTra4U-M . It helps multiple users up to 5 communicate in different languages , in real time

  • India Nuclear Reactor Project News Roundup

    Updated: 2012-06-27 18:41:39
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home June 27, 2012 India Nuclear Reactor Project News Roundup Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet 1. Business Standard Work on additional two 500 MW prototype fast breeder reactor units at BHAVINI at Kalpakkam , India would commence by 2015 Kumar said around Rs 2500 crore has been spent so far on the project , which began in 2009. He replied in the affirmative when asked whether they have to raise funds for the additional 2x500 MW . projects Approximately , I will say , we will be raising funds of Rs 1000 crore he said and added that they planned to begin construction for the two plants by 2015. 2. The first 500 MWe prototype fast breeder reactor PFBR at Kalpakkam in Tamil Nadu is slated to start operations in 2013. The sites for

  • A Restart for an Old Battery Technology

    Updated: 2012-06-27 14:53:55
    The Edison battery, a rechargeable technology developed by Thomas Edison more than a century ago, to power electric vehicles went out of mind in the mid-1970s.  Now Stanford University scientists have breathed new life into the circa 1900 technology of nickel-iron batteries. Hongjie Dai, a professor of chemistry at Stanford University said, “The Edison battery [...]

  • New Leap Motion Controller Video

    Updated: 2012-06-27 08:45:20
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home June 27, 2012 New Leap Motion Controller Video Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet Technology Review Leap Motion will launch a 70 superaccurate gesture control system that simply plugs into any computer and , apparently , just . works If you've seen the gesture interfaces in Minority Report , you know what it does . More importantly , if you're familiar with the touch modality and at this point , most of us are the interface is entirely . intuitive Verge has the technical details on the Leap Motion Controller The Leap uses a number of camera sensors to map out a workspace of sorts it's a 3D space in which you operate as you normally would , with almost none of the Kinect's angle and distance restrictions . Currently the Leap

  • Google Glasses can only be bought at I/O Developers conference

    Updated: 2012-06-27 08:27:04
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home June 27, 2012 Google Glasses can only be bought at I O Developers conference Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet CNN Money Google's science-fiction-like virtual reality glasses will start shipping next year with a price tag of 1,500 but most buyers won't be able to get their hands on a pair just . yet The under-development glasses , a stealth project hatched in the company's mysterious Google X lab , are still buggy , Google co-founder Sergey Brin said Wednesday at Google's I O developer conference . Google also faces regulatory hurdles that prevent the glasses from being shipped anywhere but the United . States So for now , only U.S . based attendees of this week's I O developers conference will be eligible to buy the Google

  • Theoretical M-Carbon matched to Superhard compressed Graphite

    Updated: 2012-06-27 08:23:39
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home June 27, 2012 Theoretical M-Carbon matched to Superhard compressed Graphite Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet Researchers used a novel computational method to demonstrate that the properties of what had previously been thought to be only a hypothetical structure of a superhard form of carbon called M-carbon” constructed by Oganov in 2006 matched perfectly the experimental data on superhard graphite . 8221 M-carbon is almost as hard as . diamond Another result of this study is a set of detailed mechanisms of formation of several potential carbon allotropes . These could be used to engineer ways of their synthesis for potential technological . applications We don't know yet which applications M-carbon will find , but most

  • Graphene used to enhance Nickel-Iron batteries

    Updated: 2012-06-27 06:58:23
    Nickel-Iron batteries (invented by Thomas Edison more then 100 years ago) are very durable but suffer from very slow charge and discharge times. They are used today mostly to store power from wind and solar devices. Now we hear that researchers from Standford University managed to increase the charge/dischage rate by nearly a 1,000 times - by adding Graphene to the Nickel-Iron mix. In fact, they batteries they developed can be fully charged in two minutes, and dischaged in less than 30 seconds. read more

  • Suntan MLCC and MONO Capacitors Cross Reference

    Updated: 2012-06-27 04:54:58
    Capacitors Blog offer all kinds of capacitors infomations . Index Search TagCloud GuestBook Admin Suntan MLCC and MONO Capacitors Cross Reference Posted June 27,2012 Suntan Technology Company Limited All Kinds of Capacitors Suntan is a Hong Kong based manufacturer of Ceramic Capacitors . Including High Voltage Ceramic Capacitors , Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors , Ceramic Disc Capacitors , Mini Type Ceramic Capacitors etc . Please refer to below cross reference http : www.suntan.com.hk Ceramic-Capacitors TS17 Radial Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors Mono Cap Cross Guide Suntan Series AVX Murata Kemet Vishay TS17 SR , SA series RPE series C315-C350 K Mono Cap Suntan Series NIC Nippon TDK Panasonic TS17 NCM NCMA THD series FK Series ECU-S Suntan is a Hong Kong based manufacturer of Tantalum

  • Fujitsu’s New 8-bit Microcontroller with Built-in Capacitive Touch Sensor and Controller Functions  

    Updated: 2012-06-26 17:32:52
    Fujitsu’s New 8-bit Microcontroller with Built-in Capacitive Touch Sensor and Controller Functions  

  • Development of High-output, High-Efficiency 2GHz Power Amplifier for Mobile Communications Base Stations

    Updated: 2012-06-26 16:44:12
    Development of High-output, High-Efficiency 2GHz Power Amplifier for Mobile Communications Base Stations

  • Great News For Spent Nuclear Reactor Fuel

    Updated: 2012-06-26 07:35:18
    Al Fin spotted the news story at PhysOrg yesterday that describes a new method to recover the uranium in spent fuel enabling access to the nineteen times of the energy already produced to be used.  The process also deeply concentrates the very nasty actinides the justifiably worry so many folks and even that is back [...]

  • World First Installment of Monolithic Ceramic Capacitors on Interposer Substrates

    Updated: 2012-06-25 18:16:41
    World First Installment of Monolithic Ceramic Capacitors on Interposer Substrates

  • Development of 64-Core SoC for Automotive and Consumer Products

    Updated: 2012-06-25 17:59:22
    Development of 64-Core SoC for Automotive and Consumer Products

  • Another Catalyst to Replace Platinum in Fuel Cells

    Updated: 2012-06-25 07:14:34
    Engineers at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) have identified a catalyst of nitrogen-enriched iron-carbon nanorods that works in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) and microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) at 5% of the cost of platinum. One is beginning to think that some of these nitrogen enriched iron based catalysts are going to get to commercial scale. [...]

  • Graphene may enable the ultimate water desalination device

    Updated: 2012-06-24 07:22:27
    Home Introduction Graphene may enable the ultimate water desalination device Tweet Graphene applications Medicine Technical Research MIT scientists have shown in simulations that nanoporous graphene can filter salt from water at a rate that is 2-3 orders of magnitude faster than today’s best commercial desalination technology , reverse osmosis RO This could lead to more efficient and smaller water desalination . facilities Simulated nanoporous graphene filtering salt ions The graphene is used as a membrane material that allows a flow of water with full salt refection via size exclusion . Other materials have been investigated for the same purpose , but the researchers say that graphene is the ultimate thin membrane as it's the thinnest one possible and as water flux across a membrane

  • Graphene "drumheads" can be tuned to make quantum dots

    Updated: 2012-06-24 07:14:45
    Home Introduction Graphene drumheads can be tuned to make quantum dots Tweet Graphene applications Quantum dots Technical Research Researchers from the National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST and the University of Maryland have shown that subjecting graphene to mechanical strain can mimic the effects of magnetic fields and create a quantum . dot The researchers fabricated graphene drumheads by suspending graphene over shallow holes in a substrate of silicon dioxide . When using unique scanning probe microscope designed and built at NIST , they noticed that the graphene rose up to meet the tip of the microscope— a result of the van der Waals force , a weak electrical force that creates attraction between objects that are very close to each other . The strain in the drumhead

  • Nanoporous graphene could outperform best commercial water desalination techniques

    Updated: 2012-06-22 16:32:46
    Javascript is currently not supported or disabled by this browser . Please enable Javascript for full . functionality Science and technology news Home Nanotechnology Physics Space Earth Electronics Technology Chemistry Biology Medicine Health Other Sciences Bio Medicine Nanophysics Nanomaterials Nanoporous graphene could outperform best commercial water desalination techniques June 22, 2012 by Lisa Zyga Enlarge Top left Hydrogenated and top right hydroxylated graphene pores . Bottom Side view of the simulated nanoporous graphene filtering salt ions and producing potable water . Image credit : Cohen-Tanugi and Grossman . 2012 American Chemical Society Phys.org Although oceans and seas contain about 97 of Earth’s water , currently only a fraction of a percent of the world’s potable water

  • The First 100-Watt LED Bulb

    Updated: 2012-06-22 07:40:29
    Hitachi Appliances Inc. will release the LED light bulb, “LDA15D-G,” July 13, 2012, in Japan that’s claimed to be the industry’s first E26-base, wide light distribution type LED light bulb that emits the amount of light equivalent to that of a 100W incandescent light bulb.  This is quite a feat and offers some satisfaction for [...]

  • Suntan Dipped Tantalum Capacitors, radial multilayer ceramic capacitors:

    Updated: 2012-06-22 02:05:45
    , : Capacitors Blog offer all kinds of capacitors infomations . Index Search TagCloud GuestBook Admin Suntan Dipped Tantalum Capacitors , radial multilayer ceramic : capacitors Posted June 22,2012 Suntan Technology Company Limited All Kinds of Capacitors TS17 Multilayer mono Axial Radial Cross reference : AVX--SA SR series , Murata RPE series , nbsp Kemet C315-C350, TDK FK series TS19 Dipped Tantalum Capacitor Cross reference : AVX--TAP , Nemco TB series , NIC--NDTM series , nbsp Daewoo TB series , Kemet--T350 to T390, China CA42 Suntan Hot selling Dipped Tantalum Capacitor Suntan produce Dipped tantalum capacitor with Hi-quality and competitive price over 30 years . This product with features of high stable performance , lower current leakage and dissipation factor , stable frequency and

  • Graphene Plasmons demonstrated, controlled

    Updated: 2012-06-21 20:06:53
    , Home Introduction Graphene Plasmons demonstrated , controlled Tweet Technical Research Researchers from the University of California have used a beam of infrared light to send ripples of electrons along the surface of graphene . The length of heights of the plasmons oscillations can be controlled using a simple electrical . circuit It was already suspected that plasmons will be present on graphene , but this is the first real demonstration . The actual device used is a sheet of graphene on a silicon dioxide . chip Plasmons could be used to transmit information , within far tighter spaces compared to light i.e . at nanometer scales source : ScienceDaily Jun 21, 2012 Login register to post comments Similar entries Graphene plasmons image Tunable graphene microribbons made to respond to

  • Is There A Better Choice Than Corn For Biofuel?

    Updated: 2012-06-21 08:30:28
    A group of researchers led by Purdue University scientists believes sweet and biomass sorghum would meet the need for next-generation biofuels to be environmentally sustainable, easily adopted by producers and take advantage of existing agricultural infrastructure. Those attributes point to potential adoptability for sorghum.  Scientists from Purdue, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, University of Illinois and [...]

  • Algae Get a Better Diet

    Updated: 2012-06-20 07:56:09
    Till now the understanding of the regulatory mechanisms controlling oil biosynthesis and storage in micro algae and details of the oil biochemistry was rather limited.  Brookhaven National Laboratory scientists are now showing corrections for two long-held misconceptions about oil production in algae by proving that ramping up the microbes’ overall metabolism by feeding them more [...]

  • Suntan share market information :X2-MPX Capacitor Manufacturer list

    Updated: 2012-06-19 02:25:35
    Capacitors Blog offer all kinds of capacitors infomations . Index Search TagCloud GuestBook Admin Suntan share market information X2-MPX Capacitor Manufacturer list Posted June 19,2012 Suntan Technology Company Limited All Kinds of Capacitors Suntan share market information X2-MPX Capacitor Manufacturer list X2-MPX Capacitor , metallized polypropylene capacitors are ideal for filters , power supplies . applications Classes X1, X2, and Y were originally defined by the IEC in IEC 60384-14. CENELEC has adopted EN 132400 technically equivalent to , but structurally different from IEC 384-14 2nd edition which now defines seven classes of line-filter capacitors . nbsp Class X1 capacitors are impulse tested to 4 kV higher for capacitors over 1.0 uF Class X2 capacitors are impulse tested to 2.5 kV

  • The National University of Singapore invests $11 million in a graphene production facility

    Updated: 2012-06-18 18:58:19
    The National University of Singapore's Graphene Research Centre have launched their new graphene fabrication facility. The new facility will be fully operational by October (the cost is $15 million Singapore dollars, or about $11.8 USD).The NSU plans to use the facility to develop new technologies for flexible and transparent devices and some new designs that doesn't even exist today. read more

  • Investor Disaster = Consumer Bonanza From Natural Gas

    Updated: 2012-06-18 07:10:05
    American oil and gas prospector Apache Corp stunned natural gas investors Thursday June 14, 2012 with a natural gas discovery announcement, the main point of which is, “ . . . . in terms of just resource, with the 1 well we drilled horizontal, we put 6 fracs on it. It’s going to go to [...]

  • Graphene based MRI contrast agent is safer, cheaper and more efficient than current agents

    Updated: 2012-06-17 12:04:51
    , Home Introduction Graphene based MRI contrast agent is safer , cheaper and more efficient than current agents Tweet Graphene applications Medicine Researchers from Stony Brook University developed a new efficient graphene-based MRI contrast agent that's potentially safer and cheaper than current gadolinium-based agents . The new agent can also improve disease detection because of its sensitivity and diagnostic . confidence Dr . Sitharaman , who led the research , has established a new company called Theragnostic Technologies which is set to commercialize this new . agent source : HealthCanal Jun 17, 2012 Login register to post comments Similar entries TEM images of graphene nanoparticles Graphene used to create world's toughest fibers Graphene-based speaker developed in Korea Graphene

  • Graphene film used to make a fine detector of environmental contaminants

    Updated: 2012-06-17 08:32:15
    Home Introduction Graphene film used to make a fine detector of environmental contaminants Tweet Graphene applications Graphene Oxide Medicine Sensors Technical Research Researchers developed a new graphene based film that can detect trace amounts of environmental contaminants . The film is made from semiconductor-graphene-metal , by taking a graphene sheet and depositing metal silver nanoparticles and semiconductor titanium dioxide on either . side The film can be used to test water quality , and this requires precise control over metal deposition and size . The film is capable of selectively splitting hydrogen and . oxygen source : AzoNano Jun 17, 2012 Login register to post comments Similar entries Semiconductor-graphene-metal contaminants detector photo Researchers use water to open

  • Bilayer graphene used to develop ultra-fast photo detectors

    Updated: 2012-06-17 07:54:09
    Home Introduction Bilayer graphene used to develop ultra-fast photo detectors Tweet Graphene applications Photonics Technical Research Graphene has been used to develop photodetectors for quite some time quantum dots have been found to enhance the sensitivity just last month and now researchers from the University of Maryland UMD discovered that using bilayer graphene can be used to make ultra fast , broad-range . photodetectors The team made a prototype device , which unfortunately has a high electrical resistance and so needs a lot of light to be useful . They are working to lower this . now source : Engadget UMD Jun 17, 2012 Login register to post comments Similar entries Quantum Dots and graphene can create highly sensitive photodetectors Electrons in bilayer graphene are heated by a

  • Researchers discuss developing artificial graphene

    Updated: 2012-06-14 19:41:43
    Home Introduction Researchers discuss developing artificial graphene Tweet Graphene production Technical Research Researchers from institutions in the Czech Republic , France , Canada , and the US have identified all the main criteria required to make artificial graphene . The idea is to use high-quality two-dimensional semiconductors to fabricate a new crystal with an artificially created honeycomb lattice just like . Graphene No one has yet succeeded in actually creating an artificial graphene , but at least now the scientists were able to extract all the parameters relevant for artificial graphene and suggest their proper combination . Hopefully this will lead to actual development of such a material . Indeed the researchers say that there's not principal obstacles preventing

  • Researchers use a nanobot to accurately cut graphene

    Updated: 2012-06-14 19:22:43
    Home Introduction Researchers use a nanobot to accurately cut graphene Tweet Technical Research Researchers from Michigan State University and the Shenyang Institute of Automation Chinese Academy of Sciences have developed a new method to accurately cut graphene . The researchers are using an atomic force microscope-based nanorobot to do the accurate . cutting Graphene's crystal structure is asymmetry which means that nanoscale forces can be utilized as a real-time feedback to provide a closed-loop mechanism that is capable of cutting graphene with accurate control . The researchers say that their technique in combination with current parallel multi-tip technology can be used to cheaply produce graphene-based large-scale , high-efficiency . nanodevices source : AzoNano Jun 14, 2012 Login

  • Release of “ActiveFlow” System offering Industry’s lowest Argon Gas Consumption

    Updated: 2012-06-13 16:53:51
    Release of “ActiveFlow” System offering Industry’s lowest Argon Gas Consumption

  • Development of a New Technology for Optically Inspecting Transparent Electrode Patterns of Touch Screen Panels

    Updated: 2012-06-13 16:00:16
    Development of a New Technology for Optically Inspecting Transparent Electrode Patterns of Touch Screen Panels

  • Development of Industry’s Most Compact Radio Tuner for Automobile Application

    Updated: 2012-06-11 17:07:14
    Development of Industry’s Most Compact Radio Tuner for Automobile Application

  • Development of High Accuracy MEMS Sensors for Reducing Fuel Consumption

    Updated: 2012-06-11 16:47:19
    Development of High Accuracy MEMS Sensors for Reducing Fuel Consumption

  • Development of Low Torque Rolling Bearing for High Efficiency Centrifugal Chillers in Large Air conditioning System

    Updated: 2012-06-06 16:41:08
    Development of Low Torque Rolling Bearing for High Efficiency Centrifugal Chillers in Large Air conditioning System

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