• West Coast Electric Highway Expands to Washington, Now Extends to Canadian Border

    Updated: 2012-05-31 23:00:02
    Filed under: <a href="http://www.alternative-energy-news.info/headlines/"Energy News

  • Public-Private Partnership Could Jump Start Energy Storage Technology

    Updated: 2012-05-31 23:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Improved Electrolyte Claimed to Facilitate Vastly Improved Batteries

    Updated: 2012-05-31 23:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • China Buys Spanish Assets in Brazil

    Updated: 2012-05-31 22:12:06
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 31, 2012 China Buys Spanish Assets in Brazil Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet WSJ A debt-laden Spanish construction firm became the latest European company to unload assets onto eager Chinese buyers , as Europe's debt woes force firms to look to China for . cash State Grid Corp . China's government controlled power-grid operator , said Tuesday it would buy high-voltage electricity transmission assets in Brazil from Spain's Actividades de Construccion y Servicios SA for 1.86 billion reais 938.2 million including debt . The deal is State Grid's second investment in Brazil and its fourth major investment overseas , and is the most recent in a string of deals in which a European company has looked to exit an . investment

  • Cleantech News: Empire State Building Saves Millions in 1 Year; Arab Spring Good for Renewables; Geothermal Could Provide UK with 1/5 of Energy Needs

    Updated: 2012-05-31 22:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • KYOCERA (NYSE:KYO) (TOKYO: 6971) Grows "Green Curtains" of Foliage to Help Meet New Energy Reduction Targets in Japan

    Updated: 2012-05-31 20:00:02
    : join login services submit news Membership Stock Alerts Featured Stocks Newsletter Research News Video Green Investor Stock Directories Funding KYOCERA NYSE:KYO TOKYO : 6971 Grows Green Curtains of Foliage to Help Meet New Energy Reduction Targets in Japan Aiming to exceed targets through various energy-conservation measures Category : Investment , Renewable Energy Share this : news Subscribe to Investor Ideas Newswire

  • Renewable Energy Stocks on the Move: FuelCell Energy (NASDAQ: FCEL), Hoku (NASDAQ: HOKU)

    Updated: 2012-05-31 20:00:02
    : : : join login services submit news Membership Stock Alerts Featured Stocks Newsletter Research News Video Green Investor Stock Directories Funding Renewable Energy Stocks on the Move : FuelCell Energy NASDAQ : FCEL Hoku NASDAQ : HOKU Category : Investment , Fuel Cell , Renewable Energy Share this : news Subscribe to Investor Ideas Newswire

  • Wireless Power Transfer to a Quadcopter UAV

    Updated: 2012-05-31 19:54:11
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 31, 2012 Wireless Power Transfer to a Quadcopter UAV Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet The purpose of a Nimbus Labs project is to develop a wireless power transfer system that enables unmanned areal vehicles UAVs to provide power to , and recharge batteries of wireless sensors and other electronics far removed from the electric grid . We do this using wireless power transfer through the use of strongly coupled resonances . We have designed and built a custom power transfer and receiving system that is optimized for use on UAVs . We are investigating systems and control algorithms to optimize the power transfer from the UAV to the remote sensor node . In addition , we are investigating energy usage algorithms to optimize

  • Geoengineering: Whiter Skies?

    Updated: 2012-05-31 19:47:48
    : skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 31, 2012 Geoengineering : Whiter Skies Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet One proposed side effect of geoengineering with stratospheric sulfate aerosols is sky whitening during the day and afterglows near sunset , as is seen after large volcanic . eruptions Sulfate aerosols in the stratosphere would increase diffuse light received at the surface , but with a non-uniform spectral distribution . We use a radiative transfer model to calculate spectral irradiance for idealized size distributions of sulfate aerosols . A 2 reduction in total irradiance , approximately enough to offset anthropogenic warming for a doubling of CO2 concentrations , brightens the sky increase in diffuse light by 3 to 5 times , depending on the

  • Boulder Ionics liquid electrolytes could double storage of ultracapacitors and improve batteries by up to ten times

    Updated: 2012-05-31 19:36:56
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 31, 2012 Boulder Ionics liquid electrolytes could double storage of ultracapacitors and improve batteries by up to ten times Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet Boulder Ionics’ ionic-liquid-based electrolytes enable a new generation of energy storage devices with superior performance , improved safety and lower . costs The company’s novel high-throughput synthesis process produces electrochemical-grade materials in minutes rather than days . This dramatic reduction in processing time enables a very low capital cost for the production equipment , minimizes labor costs , and improves . safety Boulder Ionics’ patent-pending intellectual property covers novel reactor designs , methods of synthesis , synthetic routes and

  • South Korea Funds Graphene Commercialization

    Updated: 2012-05-31 19:22:22
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 31, 2012 South Korea Funds Graphene Commercialization Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet South Korea has approved a roadmap for graphene commercialization with 200 million budget for the next 6 . years They are also looking at a research institute that they would fund with 200-300 million per . year Korean government has approved a plan for commercializing graphene technologies , including 1 graphene-based touch panels 2 organic light-emitting diodes OLEDs 3 electro-chromic smart windows 4 secondary batteries for electronic vehicles 5 high-voltage high-power supercapacitors 6 ultra-light and strong composites 7 high-performance gas barrier , films 8 electro-magnetic interference shielding , and 9 environmentally friendly

  • If the US Economy Could Keep Up with the Canadian Economy

    Updated: 2012-05-31 18:57:32
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 31, 2012 If the US Economy Could Keep Up with the Canadian Economy Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet Is it too high a standard for the United States to try to keep up with the Canadian economy Index Mundi keeps track of the GDP for countries based on the average real exchange rate in that year . Index Mundi has that information for the United States and for Canada The GDP and GDP growth for 5 Year Intervals for the last 30 years USA 5yr growth Canada 5 year GDP growth 1980 2788.2 268.9 1985 4217.5 51 355.7 32 1990 5800.5 38 582.7 64 1995 7414.6 28 590.5 1.3 2000 9951.5 34 724.9 23 2005 12623.0 27 1133.7 56 2010 14526.6 15 1577.0 39 USA Canada Last 30 yrs 421 487 Last 25 yrs 244 343 Last 20 yrs 150 171 Last 15 yrs 96 167

  • Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition Points to Food and Farming on World Environment Day as Key to Improving Health, Environment, and Equality Worldwide

    Updated: 2012-05-31 17:00:01
    , , join login services submit news Membership Stock Alerts Featured Stocks Newsletter Research News Video Green Investor Stock Directories Funding Barilla Center for Food Nutrition Points to Food and Farming on World Environment Day as Key to Improving Health , Environment , and Equality Worldwide New book illustrates how food insecurity , malnutrition , obesity , and cultural disconnection plague the global agricultural system and demand solutions from around the world Category : Investment , Renewable Energy Share this : news Subscribe to Investor Ideas Newswire

  • DOC Imposes Tariffs on Chinese Wind Towers

    Updated: 2012-05-31 17:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • HSBC / Climate Bonds Report finds climate-themed bond opportunities for fixed income investors bigger than expected

    Updated: 2012-05-31 15:00:02
    join login services submit news Membership Stock Alerts Featured Stocks Newsletter Research News Video Green Investor Stock Directories Funding HSBC Climate Bonds Report finds climate-themed bond opportunities for fixed income investors bigger than expected Over 174bn of climate-themed bonds energy , transport , finance , buildings , forestry , waste , water Category : Investment , Renewable Energy Share this : news Subscribe to Investor Ideas Newswire

  • As Governments Exit, Private Investors Return to Cleantech

    Updated: 2012-05-31 15:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Sharp Hits Concentrator Solar Cell Efficiency Record, 43.5%

    Updated: 2012-05-31 14:00:11
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Solar Energy Momentum Building in the Middle East as Qatar Banks Finance $1.1 Billion Polysilicon Plant

    Updated: 2012-05-31 14:00:11
    Filed under: Energy News

  • A Gust of Wind Industry Mergers

    Updated: 2012-05-31 14:00:11
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Realities of the Modern-Day Grid Cancel Some of Wind Power’s Carbon Savings

    Updated: 2012-05-31 13:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • University of Barcelona’s New Wind Prospecting Balloon

    Updated: 2012-05-31 13:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Occupy Wall Street Spawns DIY Solar Power

    Updated: 2012-05-31 13:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Solar or Wind Power: Which is More Efficient?

    Updated: 2012-05-31 13:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • California and American West Top 2012 State Clean Energy Index

    Updated: 2012-05-31 11:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Natural Gas Boom May Halt Renewable Energy Growth, IEA Warns

    Updated: 2012-05-31 11:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Peru, South American Nations Turn to Reverse Auctions to Accelerate Renewable Energy Development

    Updated: 2012-05-31 10:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Catching CO2 More Cheaply

    Updated: 2012-05-31 07:03:33
    Scientists at Rice University, the University of California, Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) have completed a detailed analysis of more than 4 million zeolite absorbent minerals. The team determined that new materials could help electricity producers slash as much as 30 percent of the “parasitic energy” costs [...]

  • In-Depth: Germany’s 22 GW Solar Energy Record

    Updated: 2012-05-31 06:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Is This the Key to Vastly Better Batteries?

    Updated: 2012-05-31 05:00:00
    Feedback . needed What do you want from a new , premium Technology Review product Published by MIT English en Español auf Deutsch in Italiano 中文 em Português Subscribe Login Search Home Computing Web Communications Energy Materials Biomedicine Business Magazine Technology Review May June 2012 Subscribe now The TR10 Our annual list of 10 technologies that could change the world . This year : Light-field photography . Solar microgrids . Crowdfunding . Facebook's Timeline . And more . The Library of Utopia People Power 2.0 Letters and Comments From the Editor Graphiti Notebooks Demo Hack To Market Q A Photo Essay Business Impact Reviews From the Labs 51 Years Ago Blogs Video Power : maker This component is part of a new , cheaper process to make ionic liquids upper left that could greatly

  • 3 nanometer by 7 nm DNA Origami Tiles are Pixels in any 310 Pixel Shape

    Updated: 2012-05-31 01:21:03
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 30, 2012 3 nanometer by 7 nm DNA Origami Tiles are Pixels in any 310 Pixel Shape Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet Nature Complex shapes self-assembled from single-stranded DNA tiles Programmed self-assembly of strands of nucleic acid has proved highly effective for creating a wide range of structures with desired shapes . A particularly successful implementation is DNA origami , in which a long scaffold strand is folded by hundreds of short auxiliary strands into a complex shape . Modular strategies are in principle simpler and more versatile and have been used to assemble DNA or RNA tiles into periodic and algorithmic two-dimensional lattices , extended ribbons and tubes three-dimensional crystals , polyhedra11 and

  • Superconducting 50 Tesla magnet revolution for future accelerators

    Updated: 2012-05-31 00:29:14
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 30, 2012 Superconducting 50 Tesla magnet revolution for future accelerators Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet Fermilab Today The Department of Energy recently presented an Early Career Research Award to Fermilab scientist Tengming Shen , a 2010 Peoples Fellow working to spur the next magnet . revolution DOE awarded Shen 500,000 per year for five years for his research into engineering high-field superconducting materials for advanced accelerator technology . If his team succeeds , the work could pave the way for the construction of high-field superconducting magnets for future accelerators such as Fermilab's proposed muon collider , for energy upgrades of the Large Hadron Collider and for the development of new medical

  • Fish study raises hope for spinal injury repair

    Updated: 2012-05-31 00:04:34
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 30, 2012 Fish study raises hope for spinal injury repair Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet Scientists Monash University Australia have unlocked the secrets of the zebra fish’s ability to heal its spinal cord after injury , in research that could deliver therapy for paraplegics and quadriplegics in the . future A team from Monash University’s Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute ARMI led by Dr Yona Goldshmit and Professor Peter Currie , discovered the role of a protein in the remarkable self-healing ability of the . fish The findings , detailed in The Journal of Neuroscience , could eventually lead to ways to stimulate spinal cord regeneration in . humans Scientists discovered the role of a protein in the

  • Verizon Raising Fiber Speed and Prices

    Updated: 2012-05-30 22:42:55
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 30, 2012 Verizon Raising Fiber Speed and Prices Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet Verizon has announced that they will raise the prices for their Fiber internet . service Verizon is also increasing the speed of the fiber services that they . offer Through the end of 2010, Verizon spent 23 billion on building out its FiOS . network The fastest Verizon FiOS service now is 150Mbps downstream and 35Mbps upstream , with TV and voice , for 199.99 per month When it comes to national-scale broadband services , the 300Mbps service won't have any competition on the speed front . The large U.S . cable operators don't offer any services faster than about 100Mbps , and rival carrier AT which doesn't build fiber all the way to homes

  • Snakebots with Tools crawl in bodies for surgery

    Updated: 2012-05-30 19:27:25
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 30, 2012 Snakebots with Tools crawl in bodies for surgery Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet Imagine a tiny snake robot crawling through your body , helping a surgeon identify diseases and perform . operations Scientists and doctors are using the roboticized endoscopic-like tools to perform surgery on hearts , prostate cancer , and other diseased organs . The snakebots carry tiny cameras , scissors and forceps , and even more advanced sensors are in the works . For now , they're powered by tethers that humans control . But experts say the day is coming when some robots will roam the body on their . own Carnegie Mellon University professor Howie Choset stands behind a robot demonstrating how it climbs up a tubular

  • Development of Highly Reliable Electric Double-Layer Capacitors for Power Supply Backup Application

    Updated: 2012-05-30 18:22:04
    Development of Highly Reliable Electric Double-Layer Capacitors for Power Supply Backup Application

  • World’s First Full-Size, High Speed Zoom with Built-in Vibration Compensation

    Updated: 2012-05-30 17:38:41
    World’s First Full-Size, High Speed Zoom with Built-in Vibration Compensation

  • Energy From Simply Trying to Float

    Updated: 2012-05-30 15:09:25
    Here’s the at home test, push a plastic cup that’s upside down into water.  Gravity working on the mass of the displaced water is trying to push the cup back up, that’s buoyancy.  Simple enough, and there is a wealth of places to do this, wells, ponds, lakes, standpipes, water heaters, anywhere that gravity can [...]

  • Lawrenceville Plasma Physics has a collaboration deal with Iran Plasma Physics Research Center

    Updated: 2012-05-30 07:26:14
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 29, 2012 Lawrenceville Plasma Physics has a collaboration deal with Iran Plasma Physics Research Center Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet Lawrenceville Plasma Physics , Inc . LPP a research firm in Middlesex , , NJ announced today that they had signed a contract on May 20 with the Plasma Physics Research Center PPRC of I . Azad University in Tehran , Iran , committing the two institutions to collaboration in the Creation and Publication of Scientific Papers in the Fields of Aneutronic Fusion and the Dense Plasma Focus” . This agreement can greatly aid the development of aneutronic fusion , a potential source of cheap , safe , clean and unlimited energy , 8221 said LPP’s President and Chief Scientist , Eric J.Lerner .

  • Cheap Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Moves toward Commercialization

    Updated: 2012-05-30 05:00:00
    Feedback . needed What do you want from a new , premium Technology Review product Published by MIT English en Español auf Deutsch in Italiano 中文 em Português Subscribe Login Search Home Computing Web Communications Energy Materials Biomedicine Business Magazine Technology Review May June 2012 Subscribe now The TR10 Our annual list of 10 technologies that could change the world . This year : Light-field photography . Solar microgrids . Crowdfunding . Facebook's Timeline . And more . The Library of Utopia People Power 2.0 Letters and Comments From the Editor Graphiti Notebooks Demo Hack To Market Q A Photo Essay Business Impact Reviews From the Labs 51 Years Ago Blogs Video Energy Cheap Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell Moves toward Commercialization Printable photovoltaics could become viable ,

  • US Military Chips "Compromised"

    Updated: 2012-05-30 03:06:00
    Influence future Technology Review . products Published by MIT English en Español auf Deutsch in Italiano 中文 em Português Subscribe Login Search Home Computing Web Communications Energy Materials Biomedicine Business Magazine Technology Review May June 2012 Subscribe now The TR10 Our annual list of 10 technologies that could change the world . This year : Light-field photography . Solar microgrids . Crowdfunding . Facebook's Timeline . And more . The Library of Utopia People Power 2.0 Letters and Comments From the Editor Graphiti Notebooks Demo Hack To Market Q A Photo Essay Business Impact Reviews From the Labs 51 Years Ago Blogs Video US Military Chips Compromised As military hardware uses more off the shelf components , it has become vulnerable to common . exploits Christopher Mims 05

  • HP Vision of memristor products in 2014 or 2015

    Updated: 2012-05-30 01:20:57
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 29, 2012 HP Vision of memristor products in 2014 or 2015 Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet PCWorld The first memristor products are in the works : HP has been working with memory manufacturer Hynix to produce them . Apostolopoulos says that the first memristor-containing products will appear in 2014 or 2015. When it comes to display technology , HP's SAIL technology self-aligned imprint lithography is being used to create thin film displays that are lighter , thinner , and most importantly , . bendable When you combine the memristor and the curves lte transparent displays allowed by SAIL , what you get is a super thin and power-efficient tablet that is . transparent To that , HP intends to bring environmental sensing

  • Launch of “M Mount Adapter” Helping to Deliver High Quality Images by Fujifilm

    Updated: 2012-05-29 23:51:42
    Launch of “M Mount Adapter” Helping to Deliver High Quality Images by Fujifilm

  • Carnival of Space 251

    Updated: 2012-05-29 21:56:09
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 29, 2012 Carnival of Space 251 Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet The Carnival of Space 251 is up at Chandra X-Ray Observatory blog Dear Astronomer SpaceX made history by being the first private company to launch a mission to the International Space Station . The historic launch was SpaceX's second demonstration test flight for NASA's Commercial Orbital Transportation Services . program Spacex Launch for its Space station mission Discovery Space News A new simulation hints at the existence of a world , four times the mass of Earth , is causing the peculiar orbits of scattered disk . objects Centauri Dreams A beamed core' antimatter rocket is the ultimate in starship concepts , but even if we could produce the antimatter

  • Intel Doubles Cable Gateway Speed to 1 Gigabit per second

    Updated: 2012-05-29 21:19:48
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 29, 2012 Intel Doubles Cable Gateway Speed to 1 Gigabit per second Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet May 21, Intel Corporation previewed its first DOCSIS 3.0 cable gateway solution that is capable of 1 gigabit per second Gbps The Intel® Puma™ 6 technology solution will help enable service providers to meet consumer demand and offer new services while extending their extensive network investments . A test program by South Korea’s SKbroadband is targeting production deployment of 1Gbps in 2013. With the advanced technology of the DOCSIS 3.0 specification , multiple system operators MSOs can offer more users faster access to bandwidth-intensive experiences such as streaming video or online gaming using their existing

  • 3D blood vessels could aid artificial organs

    Updated: 2012-05-29 19:23:20
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 29, 2012 3D blood vessels could aid artificial organs Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet University of Washington bioengineers have developed the first structure to grow small human blood vessels , creating a 3-D test bed that offers a better way to study disease , test drugs and perhaps someday grow human tissues for . transplant Zheng first built the structure out of the body's most abundant protein , collagen , while working as a postdoctoral researcher at Cornell University . She created tiny channels and injected this honeycomb with human endothelial cells , which line human blood . vessels During a period of two weeks , the endothelial cells grew throughout the structure and formed tubes through the mold's

  • Field effect transistors using graphene and hexagonal boron nitride on a 75-millimeter wafer

    Updated: 2012-05-29 17:44:08
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 28, 2012 Field effect transistors using graphene and hexagonal boron nitride on a 75-millimeter wafer Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet Graphene is the wonder material that could solve the problem of making ever faster computers and smaller mobile devices when current silicon microchip technology hits an inevitable . wall Graphene , a single layer of carbon atoms in a tight hexagonal arrangement , has been highly researched because of its incredible electronic properties , with theoretical speeds 100 times greater than silicon . But putting the material into a microchip that could outperform current silicon technology has proven . difficult The answer may lie in new nanoscale systems based on ultrathin layers of

  • Scientists take steps toward creating artificial graphene

    Updated: 2012-05-29 15:20:01
    (Phys.org) -- Researchers first observed graphene in 2004 by extracting the single-atom-thick sheets of carbon from bulk graphite. While graphene’s electrical and optical properties have proven to have extraordinary potential for many applications, creating atomically precise structures out of graphene remains challenging. In an effort to improve graphene’s usability, scientists have been searching for a way to fabricate artificial graphene, which could serve as a helpful structure where devices can be easily tested before their implementation with natural graphene. Now in a new study, scientists have identified all the main criteria required to make artificial graphene, which could provide a guide for experimentally realizing the material.

  • Quantum Physics Drives Photosynthesis

    Updated: 2012-05-29 14:47:35
    Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory and the Notre Dame Radiation Laboratory at the University of Notre Dame have tied quantum physics and chemistry of photosynthesis in biology. Using ultrafast spectroscopy to see what happens at the subatomic level during the very first stage of photosynthesis, two branches of science that [...]

  • Carnival of Nuclear Energy 106

    Updated: 2012-05-29 07:31:29
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 28, 2012 Carnival of Nuclear Energy 106 Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet The Carnival of Nuclear Energy 106 is up at Atomic Power Review Gail Marcus looks in detail at Energy that could be too cheap to meter Firstly , too cheap to meter does not necessarily mean free or very cheap . electricity Some pro-nukes today feel that too cheap to meter may yet be possible . Their point is that the cost of metering may not be worth the effort . By the way , this is also the case for hydro , solar , and wind systems , where the cost of the fuel is zero . But this does not mean that the utilities would go into the business of giving electricity away . They would charge a flat rate or one of several flat rates , based on load The

  • Improved Fracking Technology

    Updated: 2012-05-29 07:13:53
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 28, 2012 Improved Fracking Technology Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet Alberta Oil Magazine Somewhere between 70 and 80 per cent of frack jobs in the world are performed in North , America providing producers with access to oil trapped in hard rock formations , shale in particular . In its World Oil Outlook 2011, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries estimates production from shale reserves will help drive global production of unconventional oil from 2.3 million barrels per day in 2011 to 8.4 million barrels per day in 2035. Canada and the U.S . could supply 6.6 million barrels per day , the cartel . predicts Oil service heavyweights like Weatherford , Baker Hughes and Schlumberger are quietly refining an

  • Drilling Mud Technology

    Updated: 2012-05-29 07:02:09
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 28, 2012 Drilling Mud Technology Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet Alberta Oil Magazine Drilling mud has always been a critical part of drilling a well but never more than today , amidst a technological revolution that is sending drill bits farther and farther underground in search of oil and gas reserves once considered impossible to . extract Mud , once a boring necessity , has become an increasingly prominent part of oil and gas extraction operations , enabling the drilling of holes that grow more complex by the year . Mud research has become a key driver for the companies that make it several of them Canadian , and growing fast as drillers seek products that enable underground . feats In the oily depths several

  • Development of World’s First PZT Thin Film Actuator through Ink-Jet Printing Method Using Lead-Free Piezoelectric Material

    Updated: 2012-05-28 08:32:00
    Development of World’s First PZT Thin Film Actuator through Ink-Jet Printing Method Using Lead-Free Piezoelectric Material

  • Super-sensitive Tests could enable early disease detection

    Updated: 2012-05-28 08:03:12
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home May 28, 2012 Super-sensitive Tests could enable early disease detection Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet Scientists have developed an ultra-sensitive test that should enable them to detect signs of a disease in its earliest stages , in research published today in the journal Nature . Materials The scientists , from Imperial College London and the University of Vigo , have created a test to detect particular molecules that indicate the presence of disease , even when these are in very low concentrations . There are already tests available for some diseases that look for such biomarkers using biological sensors or biosensors’ . However , existing biosensors become less sensitive and predictable at detecting biomarkers when

  • Release of 65-Inch Self-emitting “Interactive Plasma Display” for Business and Educational Environment by Panasonic

    Updated: 2012-05-28 07:38:18
    Release of 65-Inch Self-emitting “Interactive Plasma Display” for Business and Educational Environment by Panasonic

  • In Pictures: The World’s Largest Solar Thermal Power Plant

    Updated: 2012-05-28 05:00:00
    BrightSource’s 370-megawatt facility near Las Vegas is taking shape, but the future of solar thermal is much more fuzzy.

  • Life Of Sparebots – An Unique And Exceptional Art

    Updated: 2012-05-26 03:06:10
    Capacitors Blog offer all kinds of capacitors infomations . Index Search TagCloud GuestBook Admin Life Of Sparebots An Unique And Exceptional Art Posted May 26,2012 Suntan Technology Company Limited All Kinds of Capacitor s Creativity knows no bounds and this seems to be true in the case of Sparebots . Sparebots are more commonly referred to as Life of . Sparebots Sparebots are actually spare bits and as the name suggests are actually bits of spare electronic parts . These spare parts may be bits of wire , solder , resistors , leads , diodes and capacitors used creatively to depict beautiful . Sparebots There are a number of photographs on the life of Sparebots . These photographs highlight the creativity with which Sparebots are made . These Sparebots depict common life activities in new

  • Development of UNI-CUB, a Personal Mobility Vehicle by HONDA

    Updated: 2012-05-25 15:49:05
    Development of UNI-CUB, a Personal Mobility Vehicle by HONDA

  • Making Better Plants for Food and Fuel

    Updated: 2012-05-25 14:06:06
    Scientists from Wageningen University in the Netherlands have concluded that it is possible to develop plants that produce even more food and fuel by reducing the level of pigments. Its been known for well over half a century that the energy conversion efficiency of incident photons to chemical energy by leaves is wavelength dependent.  This [...]

  • What Happened to A123?

    Updated: 2012-05-25 05:00:00
    Have a few minutes You can influence future products from Technology Review . Published by MIT English en Español auf Deutsch in Italiano 中文 em Português Subscribe Login Search Home Computing Web Communications Energy Materials Biomedicine Business Magazine Technology Review May June 2012 Subscribe now The TR10 Our annual list of 10 technologies that could change the world . This year : Light-field photography . Solar microgrids . Crowdfunding . Facebook's Timeline . And more . The Library of Utopia People Power 2.0 Letters and Comments From the Editor Graphiti Notebooks Demo Hack To Market Q A Photo Essay Business Impact Reviews From the Labs 51 Years Ago Blogs Video By Kevin Bullis What Happened to A123 Once the rising star of the clean-tech industry , the advanced battery maker faces an

  • Development of All-SiC Forced-Air-Cooled High Power Density Inverter by Mitsubishi Electric

    Updated: 2012-05-24 17:48:42
    Development of All-SiC Forced-Air-Cooled High Power Density Inverter by Mitsubishi Electric

  • Development of Bluetooth HCI Module for Automobile Application

    Updated: 2012-05-24 16:53:44
    Development of Bluetooth HCI Module for Automobile Application

  • Launch of a Wide Conversion Lens offering Superb Optical Quality for FUJIFILM X100

    Updated: 2012-05-24 16:04:07
    Launch of a Wide Conversion Lens offering Superb Optical Quality for FUJIFILM X100

  • Development of New Photocoupler for High Voltage Industrial Applications by Renesas Electronics

    Updated: 2012-05-24 15:05:36
    Development of New Photocoupler for High Voltage Industrial Applications by Renesas Electronics

  • New Life for a Good Old Solar Cell Idea

    Updated: 2012-05-24 07:08:36
    New Life for a Good Old Solar Cell Idea The Grätzel solar cell uses a molecular dye sensitized to absorb sunlight and convert it to electricity.  It’s a good concept that simply won’t last, they typically won’t last more than 18 months, making them commercially unviable. Researchers have been looking for alternatives for two decades. [...]

  • Blacklight Power Announces Six Validations

    Updated: 2012-05-23 01:04:08
    In six separate independent studies leading scientists from academia and industry with PhDs from prestigious universities including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the California Institute of Technology, confirm that BlackLight has achieved a technological breakthrough with its CIHT (Catalyst-Induced-Hydrino-Transition) clean energy generating process and cell. A webpage with links to the studies and the [...]

  • Organically doped graphene-based solar cell achieves new efficiency record

    Updated: 2012-05-22 16:24:11
    Home Introduction Organically doped graphene-based solar cell achieves new efficiency record Tweet Energy generation Graphene applications Technical Research Researchers from the University of Florida have managed to develop the most efficient graphene based solar cell to date . This was achieved by doping it with an organic material , and it increases the efficiency by more than four times from 1.9 to 8.6 The researchers used a cheap and environmentally stable organic coating layer to reduce the graphene electrical resistance by adjusting the Fermi level . In the new solar cells , a single layer of graphene placed on top of a silicon wafer serves as a Schottky junction , the main component of simple photovoltaic devices called Schottky junction solar . cells source : Phys.org May 22, 2012

  • An End to a Bad Nuclear Era In America in Sight

    Updated: 2012-05-22 14:43:32
    There was a brief sense of relief when news reports had it Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Chairman Gregory Jaczko is resigning, only to be cancelled rudely with a snide, cute and dishonorable exception – the resignation is conditioned on confirmation of his successor. In the last months of a presidential term, and a president that [...]

  • A Better Gasoline Engine

    Updated: 2012-05-21 15:13:17
    Delphi is developing an engine fuel injection technology that could improve the fuel economy of gas-powered cars by 50 percent, potentially rivaling the performance of hybrid vehicles at less cost. Their test engine based on the technology is similar in some ways to a highly efficient diesel engine, but runs on gasoline. Delphi’s approach, called [...]

  • Dopant gives graphene solar cells highest efficiency yet

    Updated: 2012-05-21 14:50:01
    (Phys.org) -- By taking advantage of graphene’s favorable electrical and optical properties, and then adding an organic dopant, researchers have achieved the highest power conversion efficiency yet for a graphene-based solar cell. The 1.9% power conversion efficiency of the undoped devices increases by more than four times to 8.6% after doping.

  • Graphene based anti-corrosion coating shows great promise

    Updated: 2012-05-20 07:01:18
    Home Introduction Graphene based anti-corrosion coating shows great promise Tweet Graphene applications Researchers from the University at Buffalo developed a new graphene-based anti-corrosion coatings . These new coatings are effective and eco-friendly as opposed to currently used hexavalent chromium which is a potential carcinogen based . coating Graphene's conductive and hydrophobic properties are helpful in preventing corrosion by repelling water and inhibiting electro-chemical reactions . The graphene-based composite can be fine-tuned for use in factories specializing in chrome . electroplating The researchers are now improving the power and finishing quality of the graphene composite , helped by a 50,000 grant from the NY Pollution Prevention Institute . Tata Steel also provided

  • Samsung develops a new graphene-based transistor

    Updated: 2012-05-19 12:50:12
    Home Introduction Samsung develops a new graphene-based transistor Tweet Electronics Graphene applications Samsung Technical Research Transistors Researchers from Samsung's Advanced Institute of Technology have developed a new graphene-silicon Schottky barrier that enables graphene to switch electric current on and off . The researchers explored potential logic device applications based on this . technology source : Engadget May 19, 2012 Login register to post comments Similar entries Samsung working on Graphene technology Swedish researchers develop a subharmonic graphene FET mixer at microwave . frequencies Hybrid silicon-graphene flash memory outperforms regular flash chips Samsung managed to make a 40-inch Graphene sheet MIT wants to make a one-kilometer square sheet of graphene About

  • Suntan :A look Inside Apple's iPhone 4S

    Updated: 2012-05-19 02:59:03
    Capacitors Blog offer all kinds of capacitors infomations . Index Search TagCloud GuestBook Admin Suntan A look Inside Apple's iPhone 4S Posted May 19,2012 Suntan Technology Company Limited All Kinds of Capacitors We are always amazed when we see the complete list of components http : www.suntan.com.hk products.html and parts that are in some of today's smartphones . Besides being the latest and the greatest' as far as technology goes , the parts are also getting smaller with every iteration and . release Take , for example , the Apple iPhone 4S . Looking beyond the plastic enclosures , the LCD screens and the cameras , there are hundreds of surface mount board level components needed to build just one iPhone 4S including many types of capacitors , surely small size chip types preferrable

  • First Shot Fired In the Algae War

    Updated: 2012-05-17 01:41:16
    Gov. Jan Brewer signed into law a pair of bills recognizing so-called “algaculture” following passage in the Arizona state legislature that will see the Grand Canyon State encourage and support the algae industry. Arizona is the second American state, after Ohio, to classify the algae industry as agriculture. It’s a shot best heard by state [...]

  • Quantum Dots and graphene can create highly sensitive photodetectors

    Updated: 2012-05-14 18:56:22
    Home Introduction Quantum Dots and graphene can create highly sensitive photodetectors Tweet Energy generation Graphene applications Photonics Technical Research Researchers from the Institute of Photonic Sciences ICFO in Barcelona , Spain have developed a highly sensitive photodetector that uses graphene and quantum dots . They say that the new device is a billion times more sensitive to light than previous graphene-based photodetectors because of the quantum dots . A photo-detector such as this can be used in light sensors , solar cells , infrared cameras and biomedical . imaging Graphene's external quantum efficiency EQE is low as it absorbs less than 3 of the light that falls on it . It is also quite difficult to actually extract the electrical current from the graphene . Adding the

  • Graphene and Cobalt used to make a spin-controlled material

    Updated: 2012-05-06 08:32:17
    Researchers from the University of South Florida and the University of Kentucky managed to create a material the spin of the electrons can be set in a controlled manner. The team suggest using cobalt atoms on a graphene sheet.The researchers have used state-of-the-art theoretical computations to prove this, they haven't actually made the material and controlled the spin. read more

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