• Theoretical probability

    Updated: 2013-07-29 22:31:27
    Theoretical probability: Learn how to compute the likelihood or probability of an event

  • Tessellations in geometry

    Updated: 2013-07-23 21:59:00
    What are tessellations in geometry? Learn here from a math expert.

  • Fibonacci sequence

    Updated: 2013-07-23 17:39:00
    Crystal clear and thorough explanation of what the fibonacci sequence is just one click away

  • Maths in a minute: Number mysteries

    Updated: 2013-07-16 09:49:15
    Number theory is famous for problems that everyone can understand and that are easy to express, but that are fiendishly difficult to prove. Here are some of our favourites. The Goldbach conjecture The Goldbach conjecture is named after the mathematician Christian Goldbach who formulated it in the middle of the eighteenth century. It states that any even natural number greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two prime numbers. <pread more

  • Kiki Prottsman – Inspired by Math #31

    Updated: 2013-07-14 15:17:08
    When I interviewed Ken Fan of Girls' Angle I learned about Kiki and her wonderful work. Kiki is passionate about improving people's relationships to computers, beyond basic literacy to programming and understanding how computers think. While our interview was largely about computers and not math, we both realized that at the core of both is [...]

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