• Parallel Weighings

    Updated: 2013-05-31 17:55:10
    We’ve all been hearing about parallel computing, and now it has turned up in a coin-weighing puzzle invented by Konstantin Knop. “We have N indistinguishable coins. One of them is fake and it is not known whether it is heavier or lighter, but all genuine coins weigh the same. There are two [...]

  • Carnival of Mathematics submission deadline is 6/1

    Updated: 2013-05-29 14:26:33
    A friendly reminder: I'll be hosting the next Carnival of Mathematics. Please check out this URL to learn more about the carnival, to vist past carnivals, or to submit your blog article for #99. Submission deadline is 6/1/13.

  • A Problem from the Moscow Olympiad

    Updated: 2013-05-12 15:45:22
    Here is a problem from the 2012 Moscow Olympiad: There were n people at a meeting. It appears that any two people at the meeting shared exactly two common acquaintances. Prove that all the people have exactly the same number of common acquaintances at this meeting. Show that n can be greater than 4. My question is: [...]

  • I’m hosting Carnival of Mathematics #99

    Updated: 2013-05-11 19:23:11
    I'll be hosting the next Carnival of Mathematics. Please check out this URL to learn more about the carnival, to vist past carnivals, or to submit your blog article for #99. Submission deadline is 6/1/13.

  • Happy Nobel Prize Winners

    Updated: 2013-05-10 19:07:07
    I stumbled upon an article, Winners Live Longer, that says: “When 524 nominees for the Nobel Prize were examined and compared to the actual winners from 1901 to 1950, the winners lived longer by 1.4 years. Why? It seems just having won and knowing you are on top gives you a [...]

  • Four Papers in Three Weeks

    Updated: 2013-05-04 14:30:01
    I wish I could write four papers in three weeks. The title just means that I submitted four papers to the arXiv in the last three weeks—somehow, after the stress of doing my taxes ended, four of my papers converged to their final state very fast. Here are the papers with [...]

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