• Why OSGi? Or why not using it makes your JVM runtime unsafe.

    Updated: 2012-06-30 19:26:03
    . var log mind Dhananjay Nene†s opinions on programming , design , architecture and the internet RSS Blog Archives About Why OSGi Or Why Not Using It Makes Your JVM Runtime . Unsafe Jan 21 st 2012 Comments Not sure how long ago I started using OSGi . Perhaps it was 12 months ago or then perhaps 18. And yet I still find it painful using OSGi especially every time I bring in a foreign set of jars into the ecosystem . And yet I continue to be a dogged proponent . Here†s . why First let us understand one of the many problems OSGi solves . Let us imagine your java application has exactly three classes . One is the class you wrote called “My.java” bundled in a jar called “my.jar” . Another is a class called “Uses.java” whose api and features are leveraged by “My.java” and is

  • The UK Government should take a look at Clojure

    Updated: 2012-06-28 21:07:28
    Today saw the launch of a UK Government White Paper on Open Data. In his forward, Francis Maude writes :- “Data is the 21st century’s new raw material…” At EuroClojure this year I spoke about the numerous strengths of Clojure as an enabling technology to release trapped data and onto the web. I think this [...]

  • Trouble, Trouble, A Quintuple of Double

    Updated: 2012-06-26 14:12:00
    , , K . Scott Allen Experiments In Writing Home Evolution of the Entity Framework : Lesson 3 Trouble , Trouble , A Quintuple of Double Func double double double double double distance x1, y1, x2, y2 Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x2 x1, 2 Math.Pow(y2 y1, 2 A lady once asked me if this code was perfectible if the Quintuple Of Double was somehow susceptible to replacing with code still likeminded yet loveable for the Quintuple Of Double offered feelings of . trouble delegate double TwoPointOperation( double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 TwoPointOperation distance x1, x2, y1, y2 Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x2 x1, 2 Math.Pow(y2 y1, 2 I told her the code was still quite correctable  a delegate type would make her worries reversible and the one thing worse than a Quintuple Of Double is the Sextuplet Of Object

  • clojure.java.jdbc 0.2.3

    Updated: 2012-06-26 03:57:22
    Another minor update, addressing JDBC-34 by adding a new :connection-uri option so you can specify a raw JDBC URL which is passed directly to the DriverManager class, and fixing a quoting bug when converting Clojure keywords to SQL entities (for example :a.b became [a.b] instead of [a].[b]).

  • Notes on ‘rethinking web services’

    Updated: 2012-06-22 08:32:21
    I recently read a good article by Matt Aimonetti on creating web services. He makes some particular good points. Web APIs are increasingly exposing raw data “But web APIs are also more and more used to expose raw data to other software. The challenge though, is that we haven’t changed the way we write web [...]

  • Parallel Work in Async MVC Actions

    Updated: 2012-06-20 14:12:00
    K . Scott Allen Experiments In Writing Home Trouble , Trouble , A Quintuple of Double Parallel Work in Async MVC Actions One of the samples in the ASP.NET MVC 4 release notes is an example of using an async controller action . public async Task string city var newsService new NewsService( var sportsService new SportsService( return View( Common new PortalViewModel NewsHeadlines await newsService.GetHeadlinesAsync( SportsScores await sportsService.GetScoresAsync( At first glance , it might seem like getting the headlines and getting the sports scores are two operations that happen in parallel , but the way the code is structured this can’t happen . It’s easier to see if you add some async methods to the controller and watch the different threads at work in the debugger . public async Task

  • Geolocation, Geocoding, and jQuery Promises

    Updated: 2012-06-18 14:12:00
    , , K . Scott Allen Experiments In Writing Home Evolution of the Entity Framework : Lesson 2 Geolocation , Geocoding , and jQuery Promises If you want to use the customer’s hardware to find their exact address , one approach is to combine the HTML 5 Geolocation APIs with a Geocoding web service like Google For Google , you can still get in without an API key for a limited number of calls using the Google Maps JavaScript library just reference http : maps.google.com maps api js in a script tag With the library in place , the code is straightforward particularly the following code , which doesn’t have any error handling but is a good skeleton of the calls you’ll need to make function var getPosition function options navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( lookupCountry , null options var

  • Learning The Dart Language–Interfaces

    Updated: 2012-06-17 06:16:54
    After completing the classes it’s now time for discussing about the interfaces in Dart.This is not at all a new term for folks coming from a OO background, interfaces are actually definition of the contract, or in more general defines the operations to be realized by the implementing classes.Apparently Dart interfaces are also quite same [...]

  • DI/1 0.3.1 released

    Updated: 2012-06-13 19:44:15
    Thanx to John Whish (aliaspooryorik), DI/1 has a new singletonPattern option that allows you to specify which beans are singletons based on their name, regardless of the folder in which the CFC is found. See the DI/1 wiki for more information.

  • Many to Many Relationships with EF

    Updated: 2012-06-13 14:12:00
    K . Scott Allen Experiments In Writing Home Evolution of the Entity Framework : Lesson 1 Many to Many Relationships with EF A many to many relationship is easy to setup with code first EF . For example , an Author can write many . books public class Author public virtual int Id get set public virtual string Name get set public virtual ICollection Book Books get set And a book can have many authors . public class Book public virtual int Id get set public virtual string Title get set public virtual ICollection Author Authors get set To start a library , all you need is a book set or author set or both in a DbContext derived class . public class LibraryDb DbContext public DbSet Book Books get set Then the framework will create a database schema with the join table you might expect . If you

  • NDC 2012

    Updated: 2012-06-12 14:12:00
    K . Scott Allen Experiments In Writing Home Many to Many Relationships with EF NDC 2012 This year I’ve been to conferences in London Gothenburg and Stockholm and just last week I was in Oslo , Norway for the 5th version of the Norwegian Developers Conference The NDC attracts developers from everywhere in Europe and all around the world because the organizers and planners are dedicated to building the best conference possible . They are a lovely group of people who work hard to make every attendee happy and comfortable . There were also 100 or so speakers in town who also worked hard to make every attendee happy and comfortable . This year’s NDC delivered over 200 hours of quality content . Unfortunately , the 200 hours of quality content are currently overshadowed by 90 seconds of

  • clojure.java.jdbc 0.2.2

    Updated: 2012-06-11 03:31:58
    An Architect's View CFML , Clojure , Software Design , Frameworks and more . front page Archives Presentations Software RSS clojure.java.jdbc 0.2.2 June 10, 2012 No Comments I seem to have forgotten to blog about some recent releases of the Clojure wrapper for JDBC . This post covers those recent . changes Release 0.2.2 on 2012-06-10 Handle Oracle unknown row count affected JDBC-33 Handle jdbc : prefix in string db-specs JDBC-32 Handle empty columns in make column unique Juergen Hoetzel JDBC-31 Release 0.2.1 on 2012-05-10 Result set performance enhancement Juergen Hoetzel JDBC-29 Make do-prepared-return-keys public for Korma team JDBC-30 Release 0.2.0 on 2012-04-23 Merge internal namespace into main jdbc namespace JDBC-19 The biggest change here is in 0.2.0 hence the bump from 0.1.4 in the

  • ANTLR IDE and Java Package

    Updated: 2012-06-03 07:25:15
    I have recently started playing around with ANTLR using the ANTLR IDE for Eclipse.It’s pretty easy to configure provided you have right versions of Dynamic Language Toolkit(DLTK) Core and Zest Visualization Toolkit.I started with trying out with a simple example as given in the book “The Definitive ANTLR Reference”. I created a blank Java project [...]

  • DevCon 2012–WebSockets with ASP.NET 4.5

    Updated: 2012-06-03 05:35:50
    Dev con kolkata 2012 websockets View more presentations from SANKARSAN BOSE.

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