• Why OSGi? Or why not using it makes your JVM runtime unsafe.

    Updated: 2012-04-30 19:28:09
    . var log mind Dhananjay Nene†s opinions on programming , design , architecture and the internet RSS Blog Archives About Why OSGi Or Why Not Using It Makes Your JVM Runtime . Unsafe Jan 21 st 2012 Comments Not sure how long ago I started using OSGi . Perhaps it was 12 months ago or then perhaps 18. And yet I still find it painful using OSGi especially every time I bring in a foreign set of jars into the ecosystem . And yet I continue to be a dogged proponent . Here†s . why First let us understand one of the many problems OSGi solves . Let us imagine your java application has exactly three classes . One is the class you wrote called “My.java” bundled in a jar called “my.jar” . Another is a class called “Uses.java” whose api and features are leveraged by “My.java” and is

  • Learning The Dart Language–Classes–Part 2

    Updated: 2012-04-29 03:23:33
    In the last post we have discussed about classes and object instantiation/initialization in Dart.In this post we will take a look methods and getter/setters. Methods in Dart are two types : instance methods and class level static methods like any other OO language. The code below shows the definition & invocation of a typical instance [...]

  • The Best Statistical Programming Language is …Javascript?

    Updated: 2012-04-27 20:47:14
    R-Bloggers has recently been buzzing about Julia, the new kid on the statistical programming block. Julia, however, is hardly the sole contender for the market of R defectors, with Clojure-fork Incanter generating buzz as well. Even with these two making noise, I think there’s a huge point that everyone is missing, and it’s front-and-center on [...]

  • Optimizing Tail Call Optimizations, CLJS compilation pipeline, and calling private functions

    Updated: 2012-04-25 08:00:00
    , , , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe Optimizing Tail Call Optimizations , CLJS compilation pipeline , and calling private functions Apr 25 Improving Constant-space Tail Call Support in Clojure via theinedibleholk This is the recording of a talk about making Tail Call Optimization performant enought in the Clojure JVM . I couldn’t find the slides , and the video is not good enough to read the slides either , but the audio is . good The ClojureScript Compilation Pipeline via fogus In this article Michael Fogus describes ClojureScripts compilation pipeline and how projects like Typed Clojure or binary compilation via Gambit fit . in How to call a private function in Clojure via nathell This is an awesome trick that has many uses , for example writing unit tests for a

  • vmfest for Virtualbox, Criterium benchmarking, leinjacker for writing lein plugins, and joxa, a clojure-y lang for Erlang's VM

    Updated: 2012-04-24 08:00:00
    , , , , , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe vmfest for Virtualbox , Criterium benchmarking , leinjacker for writing lein plugins , and joxa , a clojure-y lang for Erlang's VM Apr 24 This looks sweet . Manage virtualbox VMs from the clojure repl . via otfrom With VMFest you can easily create and operate virtual machines , with emphasis on creating many clones of the same model VMs . 8221 Disclosure : I am the author My very well informed– sources tell me there are some cool new features about to come very . soon Criterium 0.2.1 released , benchmarking lib for clojure via hugoduncan Criterium is a benchmarking library for Clojure that avoids common pitfalls of software benchmarking : statistic soundness , warm-up periods , GC , . etc Announcing leinjacker : A library for

  • Learn Clojure via the REPL, GSoC clojure project accepted, and RH keynoting at RailsConf 2012

    Updated: 2012-04-23 08:00:00
    , , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe Learn Clojure via the REPL , GSoC clojure project accepted , and RH keynoting at RailsConf 2012 Apr 23 Learning Clojure through the REPL via so_white An interesting introduction to Clojure via a REPL . session Since the GSoC 2012 site seems down : Typed Clojure , Pluggable backends for ClojureScript compiler , Overtone Editor , and Android gsoc2012 via swannodette A bunch of Clojure-related projects got accepted for Google Summer of Code 2012 internships . Typed Clojure is one of . them Next up Rich Hickey creator of Clojure key noting at railsconf via kobier Rich Hickey speaking to a bunch of Rails developers This is not going to end . well Tweet this post Follow disclojure Please enable JavaScript to view the comments or the social

  • FingerTrees in cljs, Clojure webcast, typed Clojure, Clojure scripts and "Clojure Programming" book review

    Updated: 2012-04-22 08:00:00
    , , , , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe FingerTrees in cljs , Clojure webcast , typed Clojure , Clojure scripts and Clojure Programming book review Apr 22 Finger trees in Clojurescript via wagjo A port of clojure.data.finger-tree to ClojureScript I just signed up for the O'Reilly Webcast : Starting Clojure via LunasKisses Chas Emerick will be doing a webcast about getting started with Clojure , which will be on May 1st , part tutorial part . demo Typed Clojure 0.1-alpha2 via ambrosebs An early drop of what’s becoming optional typing for clojure . You can augment your function definitions with a type signature that will be enforced at . runtime Scripting Clojure with Leiningen 2 via kumarshantanu Lein2 lein-exec provide a neat way for writing shell scripts in Clojure and

  • Coding a transactional database using Clojure’s ‘reader literals’.

    Updated: 2012-04-19 01:01:14
    I want to show how you can create a simple persistent database by utilising reader literals in Clojure 1.4. You can copy these lines into a Clojure program if you like – the only dependency you require is clojure.java.io. Let’s start by defining a transaction as an update to some state using a protocol :- [...]

  • Learning The Dart Language – Variables

    Updated: 2012-04-19 00:43:34
    Dart is inherently a dynamically typed language like Javascript. The variables can be declared using the “var” keyword as shown below: This program quite obviously prints out 11 as expected. Let’s modify it further by assigning a String value as shown below: The program will print 11 and A1. So this is a typical behavior [...]

  • Functional Thinking in Clojure, Clojure-py concurrency, LightTable funding, and reader literals

    Updated: 2012-04-18 08:00:00
    , , , , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe Functional Thinking in Clojure , Clojure-py concurrency , LightTable funding , and reader literals Apr 18 Functional Thinking in Clojure : Part 3 via planetclojure IBM’s developerWorks is running a series on functional thinking in Java and other JVM languages , by Neal Ford This post is the third of a series in which the code in the original series is rewritten in idiomatic . Clojure Clojure-Py and Distributed Concurrency Part 2 via planetclojure More on the plans to make Clojure-py be concurrent while its host , Python , is . not LightTable is more than 25 of the way there D via ibdknox At the time of writing this , the LightTable project has raised 62K , all in just one day . The goal is 200K , and there are stil a ton of days .

  • FW/1 (for Clojure) Updated

    Updated: 2012-04-18 07:42:43
    With Clojure 1.4.0 available and Leiningen 2 in preview, I felt it was time to update FW/1 and the FW/1 template to have updated dependencies. FW/1 now uses Clojure 1.4.0, Ring 1.0.2 and Enlive 1.0.0. The FW/1 template has been updated and verified for use with Leiningen 2 (as well as Leiningen 1.x). Both FW/1 and the FW/1 template are now at version 0.1.0 and available from Clojars. See the README on the respective Github repos for more details.

  • Official Clojure 1.4 announcement, LightTable funding, and serializable functions

    Updated: 2012-04-17 08:00:00
    , , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe Official Clojure 1.4 announcement , LightTable funding , and serializable functions Apr 17 clojure も 1.4 か via enami Finally , an official Cojure 1.4 . announcement LightTable is on Kickstarter via ibdknox When was the last time you got really excited about a picece of software You could turn this excitement into an action to help make Light Table a reality , by backing it financially Well , this was hard . Serializable functions their closures for clojure via nathanmarz Nathan Marz has extended serializable-fn to serialize clojure functions into a stream of numbers . With this you can send those numbers over the network or save them into storage , I . think Tweet this post Follow disclojure Please enable JavaScript to view the

  • A revolutionary IDE in ClojureScript, Clojure 1.4, and much more

    Updated: 2012-04-16 08:00:00
    , , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe A revolutionary IDE in ClojureScript , Clojure 1.4, and much more Apr 16 Instructions to use Clojure Seesaw for webapp via thebusby If you’re building Swing applications with Clojure and Seesaw and you want to publish them on a web page , this article describes the steps you need to . take Clojure Contracts . looks very interesting . via MacbethIII Here is a tutorial on how to use the newly announced clojure-contracts library , that provides excellent error messages , adding functionality to the standard pre and post . checks Clojure STM What Why How via condotti A gentle introduction to how Clojure’s Software Transactional Memory . works Introducing Light Table a new IDE via ibdknox If ClojureScript needed a killer app , this is it .

  • clojure.java.jdbc 0.1.4

    Updated: 2012-04-16 05:57:44
    A very small maintenance release: thrown exceptions are automatically unwrapped so you should no longer need to catch a RuntimeException when you're trying to catch a SQLException!

  • Clojure 1.4.0, clj-time, congomongo

    Updated: 2012-04-16 01:59:37
    , An Architect's View CFML , Clojure , Software Design , Frameworks and more . front page Archives Presentations Software RSS Clojure 1.4.0, clj-time , congomongo April 15, 2012 No Comments Clojure 1.4.0 has been released and it includes several nice enhancements and some bug fixes Everyone will have their favorites but mine include in no particular order mapv and filterv which return vectors and reduce-kv can treat a vector as a collection of indexed pairs require can take refer and a list of symbols or all so you no longer need to blanket use' a namespace compiler-options so you can disable locals clearing to improve the debugging experience on char arguments , removing the reflection warning and improving performance wrapping exceptions in RuntimeException no longer happens so you can

  • Weekly JVM-lang news, Links for Learning Clojure, and Friend: Auth&Auth for Ring

    Updated: 2012-04-11 08:00:00
    , , : , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe Weekly JVM-lang news , Links for Learning Clojure , and Friend : Auth for Ring Apr 11 This week's Java Weekly Bytes is on : jvm java scala clojure Jruby fun and a lot of knowledge via bogomep This site aggregates news about JVM languages every . week The Newbie†s Guide to Learning Clojure : Tips and links for learning the Clojure language . via lpfeed A well organized catalog of sources for learning Clojure . Newbie Start here Friend : an extensible authentication and authorization library for Clojure Ring webapps and services via cemerick Friend is aiming at becoming a common abstraction for authentication and authorization mechanisms” , this ring middleware can be extended to many A A mechanisms and libraries . The README for the

  • World Singles is Hiring! Again!

    Updated: 2012-04-10 22:56:00
    An Architect's View CFML , Clojure , Software Design , Frameworks and more . front page Archives Presentations Software RSS World Singles is Hiring Again April 10, 2012 No Comments Yesterday I posted that we're looking for a back end data-centric developer , today we've posted a new req for a front end developer As before : World Singles is looking for a smart , motivated developer to join our small , fully distributed team of engineers , working on our multi-lingual , multi-tenant Internet dating . platform This new job involves front-end development with a heavy focus on CSS HTML and Javascript . The applicant will be required to design and implement front-end UIs within an existing ColdFusion application , as well as optimize them for maximum performance across different browsers and

  • Trying Out JavaScript v.Next

    Updated: 2012-04-10 14:12:00
    K . Scott Allen Experiments In Writing Home Trying Out JavaScript v.Next ECMAScript Harmony is the future of JavaScript , and something you can experiment with using the stable builds of Chrome my machine is currently running 18.0.1025.152 m , but that is subject to change at any minute The first step is going into chrome : flags and flipping the Enable Experimental JavaScript bit . I'm looking forward to let and proxies . Let You might know that the JavaScript we use today has only function scope and global scope . There is no block scope , and the following test will pass without any difficulty x is scoped to the doWork function , not the block inside the conditional test( there is no block scope function use strict var doWork function if true var x 3 return x var result doWork(

  • Clojure-py x2, and leiningen creeps into other languages

    Updated: 2012-04-10 08:00:00
    , , disclojure home latest archive follow subscribe Clojure-py x2, and leiningen creeps into other languages Apr 10 Clojure-Py 0.2 Released via planetclojure Clojure-Py is moving at a great speed , in part because the python VM is a very good host for Clojure . This new release brings us deftypes , protocols , reify , records , binding , defmulti and defmethod , hierarchies , try catch and try finally but not try catch finally beter python interop and much more as in , 290 tests Also , it can’t be easier to give it a try with . easy_install Elixir now has a build tool inspired by Clojure's Leiningen by IORayne via elixirlang Not only clojure is creeping into other host languages CLR , JavaScript , Python but also Leiningen is now creeping into Elixir a language built on top of the Erlang .

  • World Singles is Hiring!

    Updated: 2012-04-09 22:24:34
    World Singles is looking for a smart, motivated developer to join our small, fully distributed team of engineers, working on our multi-lingual, multi-tenant Internet dating platform. We're after someone with strong data management skills who can help us mine and analyze data in both MySQL and MongoDB, as well as help us leverage both more effectively. For more details: http://bit.ly/worldsinglesjob The World Singles code base is a blend of CFML and Clojure - this role would be mainly on the Clojure side of the house but the primary skills needed are MySQL / MongoDB.

  • A Refactoring Experiment

    Updated: 2012-04-09 14:12:00
    K . Scott Allen Experiments In Writing Home A Refactoring Experiment Soon I'll be giving a group of developers some code and asking them to do some refactoring . The bad news is the code is hard to read . Some might say it's intentionally obfuscated , but let's not assume malice right away . The good news is there are six working unit tests for the code . There are two goals to the exercise . One goal is to give developers an opportunity to practice refactoring a Kata , if you will The way I'd attack the code is to start with some renaming operations , then extract some methods , then perhaps break down the one big class or eliminate a switch statement using a patterns . There is no perfect . answer The larger goal is to convince anyone not entirely sold on the benefit of automated tests

  • jQuery UI Autocomplete and Automatic Form Submit

    Updated: 2012-04-04 14:12:00
    K . Scott Allen Experiments In Writing Home jQuery UI Autocomplete and Automatic Form Submit It's a common to automatically submit a form after a user selects an item from an autocomplete list . The keyword here is select it will lead you to handling the select event of the jQuery UI autocomplete widget . someInput.autocomplete({ source : data , select : function form.submit( This code will work as long as the user selects an item using the arrow keys and keyboard . The code doesn't work if the user selects an item using the mouse the proper value doesn't appear in the input or the form submission The problem is the select event seems to be designed as more of a pre-processing event . You can implement your own custom selection logic and or cancel the default logic by returning false from

  • Quacks At Work

    Updated: 2012-04-03 14:12:00
    K . Scott Allen Experiments In Writing Home Quacks At Work The Lords of Finance includes a story about famous economist John Maynard Keynes , who was diagnosed with a chronic cardiac condition and needed medical help In 1939, he fell into the hands of a Dr . Janos Plesch , a Hungarian Jewish émigré , who , according to Keynes , was a cross between a genius” and a quack . In addition to some highly unorthodox protocols— three-hour sessions of ice packs placed on the chest or Dr . Plesch jumping up and down on his patient as he lay in bed Jumping up and down on the patient At least Keynes suspected his doctor was a quack , but once you realize this was only 80 years ago you also begin to realize that medicine spent dozens of centuries treating patients using blood letting and other

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