Feed Distiller
is a tool for managing and creating rss and atom feeds. We take a list
of blogs (rss or atom) Feeds and remove all of the chaff your not
interested in, by only keeping the pages similar to existing articles.
We use advanced information retrival and artificial intelligence
systems, to judge the subject matter of each article. And also provided a
search gateway to feed orginal source feeds.
The basic service is free, and easy to use, click the demo button for a walkthrough of how
to create a new distilled feed.
You can instally include any of our public feeds and those you create for yourself on you web page, by grabbing the HTML of our feed widget
For latest news on Feed Distiller visit our press release blog
If you need blogging, blog reading or feed reading tools. Click here
Go here if you want to submit your blog feed to us.
Need to find a blog feed?, use our Feed Finder tool. You don't even need to register, just enter a search term, and get a list of blog feeds.