• Black Swans, Flying Pigs, and Australia

    Updated: 2012-06-26 21:14:04
    Before Europeans knew that the Black Swan was a real type of bird, they used it as a metaphor to describe something that didn’t exist. For over 1500 years, to compare a thing to a Black Swan meant that it wasn’t real, for in the eyes of Europeans, all swans were white. Mute Swans and [...]

  • Happy Hatchday in Rochester!

    Updated: 2012-06-20 19:23:54
    After a very turbulent early season, there is some wonderful news out of the Rochester Falconcam today. The star Peregrine Falcon pair Beauty and Dot.ca became proud parents with the hatching of their first chick early this morning. Here is a screen shot of Beauty, the fluffy chick, and the two remaining eggs. Screen shot [...]

  • Good news for Red Knots

    Updated: 2012-06-12 14:00:38
    The New York Times reported last week that the number of Red Knots stopping at critical refueling grounds on the East Coast of the United States this year was double the number seen last year. Each year, Red Knots migrate over 9,000 miles during their migration from South America to their breeding grounds in the [...]

  • Baby Birdorable: Blue Jay

    Updated: 2012-06-08 16:27:22
    If you think our Birdorable birds are cute as adults, what about when they are babies? Below are some baby photos (shared via Flickr Creative Commons) of the Blue Jay. Blue Jays build stick nests in trees and lay about 3 to 6 eggs per clutch. The female takes care of all incubation. During incubation [...]

  • Spot the Birdorable 100

    Updated: 2012-06-07 15:11:39
    Our milestone 100th “Spot the Birdorable” is a large North American finch and the ABA Bird of the Year 2012. Can you guess what bird species this is? Check the Meet the Birds page to see if you can find it! The answer to the last ‘Spot the Birdorable’ was Harpy Eagle which was first [...]

  • New Coloring Pages for Harpy Eagle, Lilac-breasted Roller & Crested Caracara

    Updated: 2012-06-05 17:11:25
    Check out these three new Birdorable coloring pages for lots of cute coloring fun! Go to Coloring Pages to download the PDFs. You can visit the meet pages for each bird to check the colors: Harpy Eagle, Lilac-breasted Roller and Crested Caracara. Which one is your favorite bird? These downloads will be available until 1 [...]

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