• Must-Read Ruby Links

    Updated: 2012-09-30 05:25:05
    Every programming languages has a few resources, sites and communities you just must read.  Ruby is no different, and here are a few of the links that absolutely must be in your bookmarks.

  • Rails 4 HTTP Requests 2 or 3 Times Faster

    Updated: 2012-09-30 04:48:34
    All Rails HTTP requests for new pages will be 2 to 3 times faster.  Why is this?  Turbolinks will be enabled by default.  Read on to find out how this is achieved, and why you (probably) want this for your next web application.

  • Everything about Object Oriented Programming

    Updated: 2012-09-30 04:47:05
    It's difficult to deny that object oriented programming is at the heart of Ruby.  Yes, you can write small scripts without writing any classes, but not, you're not avoiding object oriented programming.  Ruby is just object oriented, even if you don't want to use it that way.

  • Everything about Strings

    Updated: 2012-09-30 04:21:49
    Continuing with our "everything about" series, here is everything you'll want to know about strings.   Remember, these are not comprehensive references, these are just enough to get you started.

  • Everything You Wanted to Know about Control Structures

    Updated: 2012-09-30 03:05:00
    no shortage of conditional statements (though a bit more sophisticated than the description above).

  • Paranoid Git Workflow

    Updated: 2012-09-28 19:49:03
    Check out my new blog post about improving teamwork in big projects with paranoid git workflow.

  • How to skip migrations in capistrano deploy (if no new ones)

    Updated: 2012-09-28 10:08:50
    Make deploy time shorter by skipping migrations. Here is the solution.

  • Make your website super fast with Asset Pipeline, Sprites & Cloudfront

    Updated: 2012-09-27 08:40:15
    , RubyFlow The Ruby Community Blog Home Submit Sign Up Log In leaders Make your website super fast with Asset Pipeline , Sprites Cloudfront Posted by oBeLx on September 27, 2012 1 comment As the Heroku Cedar stack has no Proxy in front of your Rails application any more static assets have to be delivered through your application . This is very inefficient and keeps your dynos or unicorn workers busy with serving your assets . This blogpost shows how we use the Asset Pipeline , Compass and Amazon Cloudfront to serve all of our assets fast without sending any requests to our application directly . Make your website super fast with Asset Pipeline , Sprites Cloudfront Railsonfire provides a continuous integration and continuous deployment platform for mobile and web applications . Comments

  • ReferenceNumber simple gem to generate reference numbers

    Updated: 2012-09-27 01:10:52
    I just launched ReferenceNumber Ruby library to generate reference numbers (viitenumero, referensnummer).

  • How to display page views in Rails app using Google Analytics API

    Updated: 2012-09-26 22:24:11
    Here is my about using Garb gem in rails app for displaying page views and real example of using it.

  • Ship it - a lightweight rake deployment task

    Updated: 2012-09-26 10:57:20
    A lightweight rake task to merge development Git branches and deploy to Heroku.

  • rails-auth-github: protect your internal apps with Github auth

    Updated: 2012-09-26 09:08:02
    I released rails-auth-github, which provides an easy way to add Github auth to Rails apps. It's not an alternative to omniauth, but a Rails equivalent of sinatra_auth_github.

  • Unholy Rails: External Scripts, jQuery Plugins, and Page-Specific JavaScript

    Updated: 2012-09-26 08:50:39
    What is the best way to add a JavaScript library to a Rails application? How to include external JavaScript files and jQuery plugins in the Rails asset pipeline. Using page-specific JavaScript in Rails. This in-depth article from the RailsApps project explains what to do when your application is not wholly Rails. Comments and discussion welcome.

  • MetaMethod released.

    Updated: 2012-09-25 17:29:03
    Query Method objects about their visibility (i.e: is the method public, protected, or private?) with MetaMethod.

  • FrenzyBunnies: JRuby and RabbitMQ based background workers framework

    Updated: 2012-09-25 14:43:51
    I just pusehd FrenzyBunnies. A JRuby and RabbitMQ based background workers framework, targeting high-performance and efficient resource utilization use cases.

  • Reading Files

    Updated: 2012-09-18 22:44:02
    Ruby programs rarely exist in their own world, they need some way to communicate with the outside world, store data or load data, and one of the primary ways of doing this is to load or store data from a file. Ruby provides a clean and Ruby-like interface for dealing with files.

  • Review: The Heroku Hacker's Handbook by Randall Degges

    Updated: 2012-09-11 23:17:47
    Cloud computing.  It's the newest thing, but it's also quite confusing if you're just getting started.  No longer can you just buy a simple hosting plan, upload some code and have it run.  Now you have to deal with their command line programs, push your code using Git, and navigate a dizzying array of configuration and addon options.  The Heroku Hacker's Guide by Randall Degges is your guide to orienting yourself in the Heroku world.  It's not a reference, it doesn't hold your hand on irrelevant details, it just shows you how to use Heroku, plain and simple.

  • Oracle UPK (User Productivity Kit) – Chapter 6. Using web pages in a UPK topic with the developer.

    Updated: 2012-09-11 09:51:03
    . Home Tags Archives Authors FAQ About us Contact Menu Log in Subscribe Categories CRM Events Finance Fusion General HR Technical Search : for Oracle ACE : Andrew Clark Oracle and ANSI joins Application integration : reorganise , recycle , repurpose Closing out the year Oracle ACE : Roel Hartman APEXposed 2012. Better than ever . 5 Cool Things you can do with HTML5 p4 5 Cool Things you can do with HTML5 p3 Oracle ACE : Piet de Visser Commodity or Simplicity UKOUG TEBS Impressive Agenda UKOUG TEBS Conference Abstract . Judging Oracle ACE : Nicolas Gasparotto PSOVMs Jul-2012 Deploying OEM Agent 12c on Windows PSOVM FSCM 9.1 Feature Pack 2 Peopletools 8.52.03 Apr-2012 Oracle : Jim Marion PeopleSoft OVM VirtualBox Conversion Links OpenWorld 2012 Converting the PeopleTools OVM Template to

  • All about Struct

    Updated: 2012-09-06 03:19:16
    All about Struct This guest post is by Steve Klabnik. Steve is a Rubyist, writer, and teaches Ruby and Rails classes with Jumpstart Lab. He maintains Draper, Hackety Hack, and Shoes, and contributes to Rails from time to time. One of my favorite classes in Ruby is Struct, but I feel like many Rubyists don’t know [...] (Powered by LaunchBit)

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