• How My Business Boomed After Getting a Website

    Updated: 2011-09-23 11:22:01
    Times have certainly changed since the time I first opened my business. The principles of marketing remain the same, but the methodology has certainly evolved to accommodate the Internet. It has actually broadened the range of possibilities as far as promotion and sales are concerned. I own a party supplies and event planning business. Ever [...]

  • 4 Advantages of a CMS Website Over a Static Website

    Updated: 2011-09-23 11:03:56
    Depending on the purpose of your website, if it’s there to serve multiple purposes or merely act as a brochure, you have to choose whether to go with a static website or a CMS (Content Management System) one. Both kinds have their advantages and disadvantages, but these days, most businesses find it more productive and [...]

  • 3 Sites Where You Can Get Free Website Templates

    Updated: 2011-08-29 09:44:33
    Marketing these days always involves the Internet, and to market online, you need a website to be really effective. Of course, not just any website will do. Your website has to serve all its purposes, one of which is to be attractive. To come up with an appealing website, you have to have a template [...]

  • How To Make A Website

    Updated: 2011-08-29 09:31:12
      Building websites has levels. Sure, anybody can make a website. With the free platforms and the innumerable how to make a website tutorials available on the Internet, even a child could do it. However, the question of quality creeps in. If you have a legitimate business for which you want to create a website, [...]

  • Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Hire A Freelance Web Designer

    Updated: 2011-08-29 09:21:39
    Freelancers are admirable. They have the courage not to tie themselves to an established workplace for the security of a stable monthly salary and benefits. There’s freedom, of course. When you freelance, you are pretty much your own boss and you have the advantage of owning your time. To succeed in this kind of setup, [...]

  • Why the Philippines Is the Best Place to Outsource Your Web Design

    Updated: 2011-08-29 08:40:20
    With the problematic global economic climate, companies all over the Western Hemisphere have been applying cost-cutting measures. When it comes to back office operations, the most common resort is to outsource. Web-related processes are the most ideal areas to be outsourced since the necessary factors of expertise, experience and consultancy are immediately available without the [...]

  • Sites Where You Can Get Free Web Design Tutorials

    Updated: 2011-08-29 08:19:40
    A website is now a necessary marketing and sales tool for most businesses. In some cases, the website is even the business itself. Those who can afford to avail of the services of a professional web developer can do so and have somebody else work out the nitty-gritties while they simply provide a checklist of [...]

  • The Principles of Web Design

    Updated: 2011-08-25 10:36:46
    The Principles of Web Design Web design is never an easy thing and his is because of the fact that its main goal will be to come up with a design that can be used, is pleasing to the eyes, delivers information, builds brand, is sound technically speaking and is also coherent visually. And because [...]

  • Viewer Friendly Website Design And Layout Tips

    Updated: 2011-08-25 10:19:24
    Web Design and Layout Tips A lot of web sites today are facing one major problem: a loading time that almost takes forever. When this happens, there is a big chance that users will be too annoyed and if things become worse, they might just decide to give up and just opt for another site. [...]

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