• Insanely Useful Leiningen Plugins

    Updated: 2014-02-14 07:03:38
    A very short post, partly as a reminder for my future self. Check out the following Leiningen plugins: lein-ancient - analyzes your project.clj and lets you know which dependencies are out of date. lein-exec - directly execute Clojure code snippets, or write shell scripts in Clojure! lein-try - start a REPL with various dependencies without needing a project. Great for exploring new libraries! Eastwood - a lint tool for Clojure.

  • clojure.java.jdbc 0.3.3 released

    Updated: 2014-01-31 16:59:45
    clojure.java.jdbc 0.3.3 is a minor bug fix release: JDBC-89 - calling query with a bare SQL string no longer causes an exception (or a crash with some drivers!). JDBC-87 - metadata-result is no longer lazy by default, and accepts :row-fn and :result-set-fn arguments, like query, to manipulate the result set. Key/value pairs in connection string URI are now passed through to the driver as part of the connection parameters - thanks to Phil Hagelberg for that.

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