• what does the prefix tetrahydro actually means?

    Updated: 2021-08-30 11:53:45
    After encountering a few compounds which their name includes the prefix "TETRA HYDRO '' I'm wondering what that prefix actually means? for example THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) and also THF folic acid (tetra hydro folate) or THF (tetrahydrofuran) what that "tetra hydro" mean?? I couldn't recognize any detail in their structure that implies for this "TETRA HYDRO" character and how to determine in which position in the molecule thouse "hydro"'s should appear....does hydro here means water? Hydrogen ? or maybe complex with four molecules of water?sorry for the lack of knowledge, i couldn't find any information on the web about this type of nomenclature....

  • Re: what does the prefix tetrahydro actually means?

    Updated: 2021-08-30 00:16:47
    The easiest way for you to answer your question is to compare the structures of furan and tetrahydrofuran, or to compare the structures of folate (Vitamin B3 IIRC) and tetrahydrofolate. There is a simple method to calculate the oxidation number of a carbon atoms, which might be put to good use here. You raise an interesting point about regiochemistry, but to the best of my knowledge, there is only one isomer of tetrahydrofolate that is commonly encountered biologically.

  • The Periodic Dinner table

    Updated: 2021-08-09 09:52:44
    Tweet Follow @mark_lorch Chemistry built the modern world, from the materials that make up the everyday objects around us, the batteries in our devices and cleaning products that help to maintain sanitation. All this and much more besides are examples of chemistry in everyday life. To illustrate this and have […]

  • 2021 Common Last Topic for O Level & A Level

    Updated: 2021-07-29 03:54:51
    The Common Last Topic highlighted in yellow (syllabus content) will not be tested in 2021 O Level/A Level National Examination. Click on the SEAB link for more details. Turn your mobile phone to landscape position to view the entire table. Subject (Code) CLT SEAB Link O Level Pure Chemistry (6092) Organic Chemistry O Level Pure […]

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